Saturday, 26 November 2011

St Anastasia is wondering...

St Anastasia is wondering
these days, how beautifully could shine
God's aristocracy in His Infinite light's ray
rather than in the jewellery and possessions
that her wider family amongst Europe's royalty
including that, which her granny kept, or 'rescued'
some of it, shall we call it: 'inofficially',  and that was
technically actually belonging to Anastasia's mother and father ;

and ultimately to God for His purpose to feed the poor
and the needy in Jesus Christ's way, and to teach them
to live by the truth, and not kiss on earth a man-made
hem - but it seems that some of her relatives have also chosen
to join the secret society of the greedy and seedy, who are
otherwise extremely picky and choosy about their family tree's
genealogy and go at great length even to wipe out the ones
without physical strength and, like Kaiser Wilhelm, help
a bit to speed up on a big scale, not only an imperial family's
mortality but also that of all his opponents, whose breath
he hated to inhale -

and he mocked also Sisi's and Franz-Joseph's and Jesus
Christ's and Mary Magdala's eternal wedding wreath
and was so obsessed with his own created role of immortality
that he went to great length to emply just any kind of mole
and paid for Rasputin as well as for Lenin the spy dole - little
did he know that for him also would come to an end this
endless seeming pig show, as finally God does him posthumously
His disappointment and rage show that makes even Jesus
Christ fume like a dragon and look like a scarecrow to some
old man, who fools himself into thinking he can even now
manipulate bishops and royalty into his stupid secret society
hyssop polygamy and Egyptian fatcat policy with a pagan and
anabaptistic tendency crowned by a title of an order that is
nothing but a piratery treasure hoarder -

and Anastasia as well as Sisi do remember, who sent them
their killers, and who stole even their stocking fillers, and
blamed it on them that things went missing, and declared them
for plem-plem and who was at them like the evil snake in their
dreams hissing and in the church, where they should have found
comfort in prayer some pseudo-clergy behaved like the worst
from God's commandments strayer and acted as betrayer also
of Moses' staff and God's lightning rod, and pretended to be
a vampire slayer, whilst they were actually Judas kissing and
stole many a treasure from the lurch, and blamed it on the
innocent, whose lives were after that ruined beyond measure -

but it is never too late for unrepentant criminals to be named and
shamed, and also for the consequences to be blamed and to be
taken to task, as God and Jesus Christ will now take all those
to task, who refused so far to surrender their secret society mask
and the Holy Trinity also does know, where the evildoers and what
they hide in many a monastery cask or underneath many a building
all over the world they hoard, and that is, why diplomatic immunity
must instantly cease, as otherwise many an international wanted
criminal might even numerous a governmental flight board, and that
would be ever so embarassing and would lead to an outright public

Believe me, St Anastasia and St Sisi know it all from experience -
they have been on numerous occasions framed and wrongly blamed
and shamed for things that were planned by their enemies' spies,
who to this very day even in every consecutive family generation
tell about them lies - and who would know that better than already
Eve, who has been from the beginning of time framed and blamed
by some old monster tart, who simply could not be bothered to lead
a holy life, and only pretended to be a sanctified wife to God but who
in fact was a demoness, who in pagan rites smothered
and never had a true love and family-life intact
but who smoked weed and lived out her obsessions and delusions of
lust and power and her greed, and thought she can betray unpunishedly
for eternity even Adam alias Abraham alias Jesus Christ, the mustard
sower to name but a few incarnations,

and she also posed herself always as a copycat flower and sold her
visions by the numbers and pretended to have received them by an
admonition but in reality she only listened to God in His slumber
and tried all things black magic and played Rapunzel, whilst Rasputin
for example, told her also in his sleep, as her magician master ever faster
his names as Rumpelstiltskin - no wonder, that these kind of people
get easily hooked by mythology, whilst Anastasia and Sisi had to put
up with this obsession in their vicinity because the courts were full of
witches and fairies and priestesses, who wanted to take their role - but
these kind of females would never last not even for a second, if they
had to truly share in the burden of Christ and had to live on the run
without having 'fun' as Jesus Christ commanded us to use our foot sole,
and not get a spynet's dole by some Roman, Greek, Californian Creek
or Russian or other Kossack stinking codename that insults just any fish,
who has to give his name for their kind of dirty dish.

So, what is it going to be in this big wide world - good and honest
governments and monarchies in utmost obedience to God and humility
serving mankind on Jesus Christ's instructions or are the eternal sinners
now launching their very last and lost way's obstruction to make the
right shifts to transparency and to take up for once their responsibility,
as there is no time to waste, and so far I can see only stupidity and envy and
sheer panic even on little boats, never mind a ship the size of the 'Titanic' -

as the truth is coming out now from everywhere, and that needs to be
before the world can become, what it should have already been - the heavenly
kingdom on earth, and that, my dearies, only those will reach, who live, what
they teach and preach themselves, and not, what some crook has written for
himself or for them in the bookshelf, as God is the best cook and always provides
to the faithful the right anchor and hook, and He will now only evermore bring
to life every truthful and living book - His beloved Son's Jesus Christ's living word
as He was, is and always will be the highest and most humble but also most powerful
shepherd. And He kept so far quiet the shofar, as He is not a nerd and wanted to
give all credit to His beloved original herd but He does not take anymore
any insults from the babylonian whore unpunishedly and will return all attacks
peacefully but most efficiciently just with the holy truth,

and the wolves among the sheep better come out before they sink into their own
bullshit ever so deep that their return onto the ladder to ground level is not too steep -
and then they better repent and have to accept that the one holy nation cannot allow
to them to come too close for a long, long time, as for too long have the beasts
treated the meek and lowly as plem-plem, and thrown at them their own filth
and grime and even tried to blame on many an innocent name their own crime.
For those, who betrayed Jesus Christ, God's beloved Holy Rose and His family,
the bell does now with the heavenly star chamber high court judgment toll, even
for those ringers, who pretend to do a heavenly chime.

And for many a captain of many a piratery ship that poses as a cruising and
mailing entity on behalf on some Napoleonic aftermath royalty and self-appointed
other titularology with lack of to the truth and to peace loyalty, the mission and
trip is over, and they might right now stay for good in Dover and take out the
piratery treasures from their range rover.

say St Anastasia and St Elisabeth, who are not actually keen on any title but
out of principle they were given this one because others tried to even steal from
their foreheads their heavenly names and honours as it seems they were surrounded
only evermore by unholy dames, who spent their lives whispering spies' lies under
their sheitls.

We would  nevermore like to be rich, and that club of the poor, who help others
to smile and to go for them the extra-mile, whilst they are also mobbing the church and kitchen floor, join also St. Mary Magdala, St. Elisabeth of Hungary, St. Yocheved, St. Sarah, St. Ruth, St. Anne Donne, nee More - isn't it lovely?! We have never been so many together and united before!!! And we named but a few, who served God gladly from the pew, and that is also to us not new...

Anno Domini Iesu Christi 26th November MMXI

Mother Sigrid Agocsi

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