Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Apocalypse or the Beginning of Telling the Holy Truth?!


 Apocalypse or the Beginning of finally Telling the Holy Truth?!

Apocalypse of the church that we once knew -  or did we really?!
From where I am standing now, as an independent Catholic order with a bishop, who is not afraid to speak out against evil and who defends the holy Eucharist against all sorts of Anti-Christian movements that are in fact mostly secret societies with a pantheistic and polygamous agenda of the babylonian whore, and who are even openly boasting about worshipping mammon - and these party lions and their potential 'slaves' even go as far as to desecrate churches for their pagan rituals and are involved in all things criminal - as I call fraud, tax evasion, theft, physical and psychological abuse of parishioners, death threats and attempted murder a crime. And all these things are happening right under our noses committed by people, who are ruling from the lurch and are serving secretly the Anti-Christ even in the sanctuary  and in the pew, by members of parish councils (the famous PCCs), by priests, who are in fact simply spies, sent by the bishops to keep the few remaining faithful priests and deacons in check, who have resisted so far to accept any bribes to leave quietly but who are threatened even with their lives or with repercussions or worse for their loved ones.

I personally was refused my confirmation certificate by the bishop, who performed my confirmation, when I was in the formalisation process of my order, I have been slandered, spat at, poisoned, my flat has been entered and altered in my absence, I was gaslighted, and was threatened many times with my murder, if I continue with my writings (and some of my friends have been murdered, and I was given a reminder of that with the comment that I need not dial 999 as they 'have their people in there, too', which did not prevent me from calling the police as I have more faith in our police officers than in the church hierarchy right now. The usual treatment that can be find already in the gospels for the followers of Christ. A pretender-nun (never get fooled by frailty or age!) threatened me with severe repercussions, after she realised she could not recruit me as a candidate for female priest,  and started even a fire in my flat, when I told her that I will found my Anglican-Catholic order - she is posing as a nun, who is supportive of the Anglo-Catholic faith but even openly mocks the Holy Eucharist and her habit, that she only wears to exercise her authority and to abuse her status as a parish sister, whilst she goes behind the back of the priest and tries to influence his parishioners and people in the local community against him, as she is secretly preparing the new female church with female priest and female bishops. Why is she getting away with this? Because the bishop, under whose authority she is, encourages her to do so - or so it seems. As he himself abuses sermons to boast about all his honorary board memberships in big companies and is ever so busy gathering one pompous title after the other, whilst he lets his priests spy on each other and report back to him with promises for ever greater career jumps.

Also, more and more churches represent quite attractive monetary value, and many bishops dry out purposefully the congregations and use the excuse of dwindling numbers towards the remaining few truly Catholic priests, who are under constant threat and I was even bullied by a member of a secret society in my former parish church on why we are still there - apparently, so he told me, the church had been promised to them by a bishop for their purpose - you would not believe, how many filthy rich donors with a promiscuous life styles mingle in the churches these days and do their all in a more or less concerted effort to kill off the true spiritual church of Christ.

As long as crimes are being covered up by the highest church hierarchies due to either their lack in integrity or because they have made themselves subject to blackmail due to their own involvement, sadly, there is an even worse situation than in the times, where Moses took the unfaithful traitors to task. And the church as we once knew it, if we ever did physically, can not heal, and also not claim to be the church of Jesus Christ.

I have no faith in an apostolic succession that seems to have given double- or triple faced vows to other deities or whatnot entities than to God and to Christ's church. They certainly do not lead and live by example but do with their every breath on God's commandments and Jesus Christ's law trample.

And those deacons, priests, and bishops, who know better and are secretly and quietly suffering from the same abuse should now do the one right thing and either stand up for the oppressed and abused and the needy and vulnerable and meek and foremost for the Holy Eucharist also against female priests and female bishops or leave their church, lest they want to be charged as guilty also as partners-in crime. As that is, what you make yourself to, if you do not challenge the evil from wherever you are.

It is never too late to return home to God on Jesus Christ's path - and, sadly, I cannot see anybody living that path right now, truly in the churches that claim to do so - they are betraying the very God, whom they have all to thank for for their every gift and for their very life - God alone gives and takes, not man and no black magic.

I find it kind of poignant in this context that from all people John Dee gave Elisabeth I. the idea for the title of 'Defender of the faith', a  man knowingly practising Harry Potter style Dark Lord's lore. And where is the defender of the faith these days within the churches - do I hear a voice? No, it is icy silent. And whilst silence can be a very efficient spiritual discipline, now is not the time to stay silent but to speak out loud for God and Christ's spiritual church against all those, who betray it from the inside from the lurch.

A church that does only evermore or mostly protect the interests of the rich and greedy lusting for power, treats its buildings as sheer income sources to boost figures, and actively drives out the Catholic faith by allowing secret societies and Anti-Christian teachings to take over the pew, church hall and even the sanctuary, then it is no wonder that issues like abuse are not being tackled either, as from where I am standing now, purposefully with a heavy but solely to God' s truth and commandment and to Jesus Christ's true spiritual church dedicated heart, I can see through Jesus Christ's eyes the state of affairs, and it shows me a church that is corrupt and rotten to the core in most places, especially the highest hierarchies, and there seems to be no cardinal and bishop left with true integrity and authority to bang their ever so jewelled fists in velvet gloves on the table, as they got too used to a life of pomp and circumstance and joined in the last dance of the devil and the Anti-Christ.

And I say to all Anti-Christs: Who the hell do you think you are?! As you create hell yourself on earth instead of serving God and surrendering to Jesus' path of sharing your all for free from your kitchen hearth. And you even go so far as to desecrate a once holy church bell. It is high time the holy truth and nothing but the truth to your Maker and then to the public to tell.

May God bless you, and may you find the peace that only repentance and doing penance and serving God selflessly either in voluntary blessed celibacy or holy matrimony in true love and in purity gives. Remember, only the truth sets you truly free. Only if you are willing to give up your security and surrender totally to God will you attain eternal life in the most holy and beautiful and loving community of holy souls, but for that you have to lead a holy life and lead by example as a holy woman or man and never use a ritual knife and you must never on Jesus Christ's law and God's Commandments trample - then life is infinitely ample and you can nothing but bliss even in suffering and tears and pain sample.

Repent! I do, too, and I always find something that I just in case have to entrust God and Jesus Christ in order not to fall from their ladder, as I just can't bear the thought to hurt their trust or make them cry, and I left all behind and I have overcome through the Holy Spirit finally also to hold back - I am actually quite shy but nevermore silent against the rule of the babylonian whore, and I give thanks to God that He led me to the right Holy See shore of His beloved Holy Rose, as only Jesus Christ has lovingkindness and selflessness in an overdose, and the interest of all holy souls at heart and gives even every sinner for as long as they keep trying evermore a new part but if they reject a holy life, then He does from them depart.

By the way, most people fool themselves into thinking that Jesus Christ was just a philosopher or teacher - yes, He was, but He was, is and always will be there, whilst they won't as He is the Alpha and the Omega and all else is illusion - never trust anybody, who uses on you mind intrusion, as they have abused their spiritual gifts and try to stir up with them man-made rifts and they will now learn the hard way that it is God and Jesus Christ with the Holy Spirit, the one and only true and original Holy Trinity, who are making finally by taking away free choice from man to the world's purification the right and long-lasting shifts, and all man-made mythological and ether-psychological delusion and obsession philosopher into insignificance drifts.

Of course, the earth is full of angels and demons, but sadly most of the angels have fallen and betrayed God and all their gifts, and so have gods and goddesses and kings and queens, as most abused their powers for their own advantage and never for feeding the flock for free - on the contrary instead of surrendering their talents to God they had made a copy for themselves from Moses' and Aaron's rod by a blacksmith and charged even in the temple the highest membership fee. So, whatever you are, repent and surrender to God, and serve Him selflessly as Jesus Christ did, and still does, as only the holy truth sets you free.

Mother Ziggy Agocsi


God bless you!

Mother Sigrid Agocsi, 
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

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