The following is a public 'discussion' with an official Anglo-Catholic priest in the Church of England, which is not necessarily recognizable in the conversation. It is attitudes like this and many incidents the lack of a bishop to lead by example to his priests that made me leave the Church of England earlier this year. And it did not exactly comfort me that two cardinals of the Roman Catholic Church had secret negotiations with the then only Anglo-Catholic bishop left in the diocese of London, who led the laity and clergy to believe that he was trying to stand up to defend the Catholic faith and the Anglo-Catholic tradition. It is not the fact that Mr Broadhurst left the Church of England for whatever reason that is so very sad and a grave sin but it is the fact that he did so by lying and betraying the trust of deacons, priests and other bishops and foremost his sheep, and his lack of integrity and simply non-decisive silence until he left, which left no authority for anybody, who was trying to stand up for the Holy Eucharist and the truth entrusted to them, or for the vulnerable and abused to take any wolves among the shepherds and the sheep to task - as, sadly, too many wear a secret society mask or even more than one - and I for my part have enough of being in the middle of this unholy fight across the denominations. And a simple explanation would have convinced many an ignorant churchgoer as to why there cannot be women priests but for that one would have to believe in the spiritual church of Jesus Christ and in the mystery of the transsubstantiation - and as He was a man the bread and wine can only be blessed by a man as his body was the body of a man, who had surrendered His godly powers in order to prove to the world that He had faith in even the greatest sinner to become in the end eventually free of the desire to cheat and to kill or to spy on their neighbour's window sill or to put a former friend through their own mind's mill by threatening to make from a holy body dead meat. Well, I rather stay away and wait until Christ returns, and clarifies, what is really going on with many a spiritual con, who for example stores underneath the altar many an urn. Maybe the churchwardens make some extra-money and do on the side some butter in it churn, whilst they let the Eternal flame go out, as they only ever seem even the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ in charcoal to burn and stand by in laughter even into the face of a holy child like my daughter - I won't for my part no longer accept that anybody is being put either physically or psychologically to the slaughter in a supposedly holy temple of God that seems secretly be dedicated to the devil as only ever associated with it is utmost evil. Stay away from the meek and mild, if you want to behave immoral and wild! That is all I have to say, and by the way, one of these days, even the worst sinner and bullshitter will see that Jesus Christ alone is THE way, the truth and the life, and for that He does not need any ritual knife nor does He have to deny that Mary Magdala was always His wife but that did not go down well with any of the apostles and their wives or lovers, and that is, why from the beginning there was for Jesus Christ and His own family only ever hell - and He will Himself also the rest of the mystery tell in His time, and then everybody will be held accountable, who does not yet repent their every crime, as I heard the bell toll and not just chime, when He told me the results of His own one holy nation's opinion poll, as once too often have the church hierarchies abused the temples to impose on the faithful again in one way or another mammon and to the entrance and way to His Father a toll.
Das Mass ist voll.
And although I am not always agreeing with Anne Widdecombe - I was relieved to hear that she also rather opts for excellence than to fulfill a numeral quota that only ever leads to a hellfire rota and that she views also any kind of life outside celibacy or holy matrimony as simply unholy decadence and she left the Church of England also for the same reason of high treason and mediocre pestilence dictated by the golden calf and cow, who only ever is interested in a Sunday morning show, or so it seems. Prove to us that there is more than just spiritual pus left over between Rome and Dover - in any case, the church as we know it, or did we ever - is over! And even those, who still drive in a luxurious range rover will
soon have to try their own hunger ration that they never tasted before as no longer is even the tax office willing to drop their interest charges at their discretion for the rich - and for that piece of information one does not even need a thinktank, as empty is every bank, and only rich abroad like some Italian private ones, where secretly are worn also some strange cones under unknown receiver and sender addresses - that is, what happens, when even a supposedly spiritual church does no longer defend but sells out the faith to the highest even Anti-Christ bidder, and messes with desecrated church bells - time always the truth through God's eyes tells eventually, and it looks like to an end comes the rule of the crooks as too long had God to put up with the desecration of the Holy Eucharistic Cup and with the top pyramid hierarchies internationally providing the command chain hooks - what does one expect, if every holy priest does either through threat or disguised bribery does into exile defect and their posts as guardians of the Holy Eucharistic Host are taken over by spooks, who replace in the shelves all the bibles and the living word that is still going on or the missing true pieces with the bird droppings of jesters with a double or triple face.
Enough is enough is enough. And I am still polite, although I could at all the evildoers mightily shout, and those, who betrayed the Order of the Holy Rose, know exactly, what I am talking about.
Mother Sigrid (Ziggy) Agocsi
Das Mass ist voll.
And although I am not always agreeing with Anne Widdecombe - I was relieved to hear that she also rather opts for excellence than to fulfill a numeral quota that only ever leads to a hellfire rota and that she views also any kind of life outside celibacy or holy matrimony as simply unholy decadence and she left the Church of England also for the same reason of high treason and mediocre pestilence dictated by the golden calf and cow, who only ever is interested in a Sunday morning show, or so it seems. Prove to us that there is more than just spiritual pus left over between Rome and Dover - in any case, the church as we know it, or did we ever - is over! And even those, who still drive in a luxurious range rover will
soon have to try their own hunger ration that they never tasted before as no longer is even the tax office willing to drop their interest charges at their discretion for the rich - and for that piece of information one does not even need a thinktank, as empty is every bank, and only rich abroad like some Italian private ones, where secretly are worn also some strange cones under unknown receiver and sender addresses - that is, what happens, when even a supposedly spiritual church does no longer defend but sells out the faith to the highest even Anti-Christ bidder, and messes with desecrated church bells - time always the truth through God's eyes tells eventually, and it looks like to an end comes the rule of the crooks as too long had God to put up with the desecration of the Holy Eucharistic Cup and with the top pyramid hierarchies internationally providing the command chain hooks - what does one expect, if every holy priest does either through threat or disguised bribery does into exile defect and their posts as guardians of the Holy Eucharistic Host are taken over by spooks, who replace in the shelves all the bibles and the living word that is still going on or the missing true pieces with the bird droppings of jesters with a double or triple face.
Enough is enough is enough. And I am still polite, although I could at all the evildoers mightily shout, and those, who betrayed the Order of the Holy Rose, know exactly, what I am talking about.
Mother Sigrid (Ziggy) Agocsi
| May 14 2010, 10:01 pm |
From: Mother Eliora <> Date: Fri, 14 May 2010 23:18:39 +0100 Local: Fri, May 14 2010 10:18 pm Subject: [Order of the Holy Rose] Cont. of facebook/ God and the World Ziggy Agocsi My life is a daily mystery and adventure and full of love and totally free of fear because I trust in God and in Jesus. I was fearful, as long as I was a so-called successful person in the music- and media industry, knowing in my heart that God wanted me to use my gifts to share them freely, which I do now.39 minutes ago · Yenda Smejkal so you had a good job? and you are a musician? and you have packed that all up? well i am flabberghasted to be honest!36 minutes agoZiggy Agocsi When I said I gave up the world, I thought you as a priest would understand this from all people. Here is a bit about me that I have just left on an Anglo-Catholic forum: founder and Mother Superior of the Order of the Holy Rose (after John Donne's beautiful poem about Christ, God's beloved Holy Rose, bud and blossom). We are a Catholic order in ...See More35 minutes ago · Yenda Smejkal you have mentioned some of this before. well i suppose we differ because i have a very secular view of the world and live in the world - i have never seen any benefit to being divorced from the world - i went to a theological college run by monks and it really left me completely cold - and any kind of religion that attempts to remove people from the world actually bambouzles me to be honest! 32 minutes agoZiggy Agocsi Yes, I packed it all up and I have not regretted it for one moment.32 minutes ago · Yenda Smejkal fair enough, if that suits you... ...would never suit me though! like i say i have seen monasticism at almost first hand, and i dont see any purpose in it - except as a home for those who cannot hack it in the real world and want an escape route. And in many cases these people just end up later in life embittered and twisted with regret about what they have thrown away earlier on in life. i have seen that time and time again - if you have found that you are not regretting ur current existence, then all i can say is that you are one of the fortunate few.29 minutes agoZiggy Agocsi I am not removed from the world at all but I try to live my own life as holy as possible not allowing myself to go astray from God but I am very much involved in the world by being there for my neighbours, for my community and in whatever way I can nurture with my gifts. I am not closing my eyes, and I had quite the opposite upbringing and had to go my way into holiness against all odds from early childhood. Even as a child I would say to my parents that I 'one day God wants me to be some kind of nun, a mother, a wife, a teacher, a writer and a singer' and God has granted me even more gifts than that, and so I owe Him all that I am.27 minutes ago · Yenda Smejkal well if ur doing some good to those around you as all of us do then that is laudable! i think really its different horses for different courses - monasticism and the like just doesnt work for me - i find it depressing and liken it to emprisonment.22 minutes agoZiggy Agocsi God gives me all that He sees fit to give me, including love and fulfillment and a life grounded in holiness. Believe me, I have come and lived in the world of the wealthy, the so-called successful and powerful - what many consider to be the ultimate life - and what I encountered was mainly spiritual death. Only in Christ is life and the truth and the way, dear Yenda. Only in Christ.21 minutes ago · Canon Jerome Lloyd Osjv Yenda - the Roman Catholic Church teaches what it teaches - it is ridiculous for people to expect the Pope to state anything other than what is contained in the Catechism of the [Roman] Catholic Church. So if people have a problem with an aspect of Roman Catholic teaching they should take it up with ALL the Roman Clergy, beginning with their Parish...See More8 minutes agoZiggy Agocsi I live in a normal council estate and my daughter goes to primary school, and our lives are full of love and beauty and also of many challenges and adversity, and we love our neighbours and are engaging with all, and anyway, we live voluntarily in either blessed celibacy or in holy matrimony in our order, accordingly to God's plan, so whenever He will join us with the soul He has in mind in heaven He wants us to marry that soul on earth, too, and then, we will. So, there is only ever a wholesome fulfilled life in Christ in our hearts, what more do you need?! I was offered to be a world-stage opera singer, a news presenter, an actress/comedian and I was a very successful voice coach, too, in worldly terms, so I know that I do not miss any of it, as I continue to use my skills, only that I do not charge anymore for it but do it all for the glory of God and for those, who cannot afford it, f.ex. deacons and priests and singers of music to the glory of God. God bless you! Mother Eliora, M.S. OHR ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE, A Catholic order in the Angl.-Catholic tradition in affiliation with Bishop Ralph Napierski in unionwith the RCC
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From: A PURE ANGEL OF GOD HEAVEN <> Date: Sat, 15 May 2010 15:50:32 -0400 Local: Sat, May 15 2010 7:50 pm Subject: [Order of the Holy Rose] Cont. of facebook/ God and the World AMEN,HAVE A GREAT WEEKEND N MANY BLESSINGS IN THE HOLY BIBLE,JONH 3:16. Ziggy Agocsi My life is a daily mystery and adventure and full of love and totally free of fear because I trust in God and in Jesus. I was fearful, as long as I was a so-called successful person in the music- and media industry, knowing in my heart that God wanted me to use my gifts to share them freely, which I do now. 39 minutes ago · Yenda Smejkal so you had a good job? and you are a musician? and you have packed that all up? well i am flabberghasted to be honest! 36 minutes ago Ziggy Agocsi When I said I gave up the world, I thought you as a priest would understand this from all people. Here is a bit about me that I have just left on an Anglo-Catholic forum: founder and Mother Superior of the Order of the Holy Rose (after John Donne's beautiful poem about Christ, God's beloved Holy Rose, bud and blossom). We are a Catholic order in ...See More 35 minutes ago · Yenda Smejkal you have mentioned some of this before. well i suppose we differ because i have a very secular view of the world and live in the world - i have never seen any benefit to being divorced from the world - i went to a theological college run by monks and it really left me completely cold - and any kind of religion that attempts to remove people from the world actually bambouzles me to be honest! 32 minutes ago Ziggy Agocsi Yes, I packed it all up and I have not regretted it for one moment. 32 minutes ago · Yenda Smejkal fair enough, if that suits you... ...would never suit me though! like i say i have seen monasticism at almost first hand, and i dont see any purpose in it - except as a home for those who cannot hack it in the real world and want an escape route. And in many cases these people just end up later in life embittered and twisted with regret about what they have thrown away earlier on in life. i have seen that time and time again - if you have found that you are not regretting ur current existence, then all i can say is that you are one of the fortunate few. 29 minutes ago Ziggy Agocsi I am not removed from the world at all but I try to live my own life as holy as possible not allowing myself to go astray from God but I am very much involved in the world by being there for my neighbours, for my community and in whatever way I can nurture with my gifts. I am not closing my eyes, and I had quite the opposite upbringing and had to go my way into holiness against all odds from early childhood. Even as a child I would say to my parents that I 'one day God wants me to be some kind of nun, a mother, a wife, a teacher, a writer and a singer' and God has granted me even more gifts than that, and so I owe Him all that I am. 27 minutes ago · Yenda Smejkal well if ur doing some good to those around you as all of us do then that is laudable! i think really its different horses for different courses - monasticism and the like just doesnt work for me - i find it depressing and liken it to emprisonment. 22 minutes ago Ziggy Agocsi God gives me all that He sees fit to give me, including love and fulfillment and a life grounded in holiness. Believe me, I have come and lived in the world of the wealthy, the so-called successful and powerful - what many consider to be the ultimate life - and what I encountered was mainly spiritual death. Only in Christ is life and the truth and the way, dear Yenda. Only in Christ. 21 minutes ago · Canon Jerome Lloyd Osjv Yenda - the Roman Catholic Church teaches what it teaches - it is ridiculous for people to expect the Pope to state anything other than what is contained in the Catechism of the [Roman] Catholic Church. So if people have a problem with an aspect of Roman Catholic teaching they should take it up with ALL the Roman Clergy, beginning with their Parish...See More 8 minutes ago Ziggy Agocsi I live in a normal council estate and my daughter goes to primary school, and our lives are full of love and beauty and also of many challenges and adversity, and we love our neighbours and are engaging with all, and anyway, we live voluntarily in either blessed celibacy or in holy matrimony in our order, accordingly to God's plan, so whenever He will join us with the soul He has in mind in heaven He wants us to marry that soul on earth, too, and then, we will. So, there is only ever a wholesome fulfilled life in Christ in our hearts, what more do you need?! I was offered to be a world-stage opera singer, a news presenter, an actress/comedian and I was a very successful voice coach, too, in worldly terms, so I know that I do not miss any of it, as I continue to use my skills, only that I do not charge anymore for it but do it all for the glory of God and for those, who cannot afford it, f.ex. deacons and priests and singers of music to the glory of God. God bless you! Mother Eliora, M.S. OHR ORDER OF THE HOLY ROSE, A Catholic order in the Angl.-Catholic tradition in affiliation with Bishop Ralph Napierski in union with the RCC ___________________________________________ |
God bless you!
Mother Sigrid Agocsi,
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ
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