And here is the conclusion from her grave of the soul of Ruth
to the Jewish Elders, who still fool themselves
that they can dance into heaven and point the finger
always at the Anti-Christ as their Messiah because
they are too much in love at the concept of ruling
the world via mind-intrusion. Ye fools! Have you still
not learnt that only God grants spiritual gifts and gives
them to you in faith, hope and trust that you will heal
with them selflessly and freely any man-made rifts as that
is Jesus' only condition that every holy soul is required to
fulfill in obedience to God and in humility – it is an absolute
You have the last time entered in your obsession with
the riches of heaven on earth unpunished your copycat
heaven of delusion – Jesus invited you many times over
in every single incarnation but you fooled yourself purposefully
to use your own man-made incantation and to refuse to utter
His most holy and blessed Names, and spread your weed
with unholy dames and worshipped the golden calf and cow,
and tried to make Mary Magdala as Christ's eternal
wife look like a Babylonian whore, and wiped her babies
out from your books, ye crooks, and teamed up
with Noemi, and put Oved into her arms, so that like her
son he looks.
Sounds familiar somehow,
even before and after in every of our incarnations you
danced after the same lame tune of your flawed incantations
– and you even do not hesitate
anymore to join forces with the pagans, who also abuse their
spiritual gifts and try to play god with their trance, their drugged
dreams and ecstatic but false screams and whatnot charismatic
teams, who also use to induce their false vision even through a hieroglyph
or rune. Oh, well, by all means, then stay out of the kingdom of God
on earth and live in your own chosen mind's hell and not only at the
sound of a by Jesus Christ personally consecrated church bell, as
you cling too much to the world and to evil and want to be bad and like
to play the devil even in your kitchen hearth. You are about to loose all
the marbles that you once saw in your vision of the heavenly throne
as you followed the wrong ancient 'high' priestly drone, who wore on his
head secretly (so he thought because he has forgotten that God and Jesus
have even provided and created the iron for the blacksmith, whom for
him a copycat version of Moses and Aaron's staff wrought).
Fools, I say, and Ruth finally does not have to put up with you lot
anymore, as Jesus has inscribed the holy truth of my soul already
in the tree of life, from which was made also His cross. And only
God knows, how old that is, in case you wonder, if you sit underneath
it on a bench. You won't find it in some national park, and you won't
hear its blueprint tweeted from any lark, as God has
hidden it well from the likes of you, because He had it all planned
before He even had a colour of hair for you in mind – God bless you,
I pray for you, as you will need my prayer, you eternal from God strayer,
as you never gave about God and Jesus and our holy family a damn,
and it was you, who tried to put us always and again through
your hell's grind, so from now on all of your work is by us eliminated
and your names in the book of life replaced with Hashem and so you
will loose your eternal life gradually and very, very silently, as you
have the longest time put shame on all the wrong souls in the
bible and Moses also will not have to bear for much longer
for a murder, he did not commit the blame, says my soul as
his mother Yocheved. Thinking of all the major disasters
and failures of those, whom God had entrusted as His chosen
people with the eternal mystery and complete family story
of Jesus Christ, already as Adam known to be God's beloved
Holy Rose, bud and blossom – you have always and again
let us down and left the cleaning up of the mess of your
eternally stupid and greedy and seedy and ungrateful to God
demoness to our souls' eternal family – but when you were out
of Egypt you claimed for you the fame and tried to put on us
every kind of twisted blame and shame. No more, say I now
for the last time from the grave as Anne More. John Donne
alias Jesus Christ has paid His due with His family over and again
and you will have to make do with the love with have for you. There
is no more to draw on – if our infinite light and love from heaven above
is not enough for you – then you must be a spiritual eternal con
like a chap called Don Ron, who wants also all the glory for himself
and does not want to share even the love of his brother, although
he secretly has all sorts of golden cowshit in his bookshelf and even
makes money out of the freely given to Jesus by Mary Magdala's milk
and honey.
As the holy cross has come to life – it is the one and only sword of the eternal
holy truth of Christ Jesus. And you knew only too well that Jesus
leaned at Mary Magdala's breast at the last supper, or in Magyarul: mell, when
He knew He would not live to comfort me after our children's loss,
but then, you have never ever about us given a toss.
And without Jesus' special prayer not anymore work will even your
mediocre formula of a film special vampire slayer nor your universal
recipe of Irish moss. Shame, really that you do not want to love God
for His own sake, as you too much like to worship that stone old snake
and never bothered to sing to God's glory with your screeching
mandrake – so, you have only yourself to blame, when Jesus' cross
tells to all the faithful our holy truth as there are eliminated your every
false story. And then they do not want to know you even anymore
in Balamory.
And, in another matter of posthumous investigation I would like to
know, whether Ramsay was secretly to Margaret of Denmark a poisonous
snake scarecrow, who gave his master as part of the furniture
and family the wrong advice because he did not like the idea of the Mistress
of of the House with even the lowliest servant to share for free the spiritual
food, and of poor church mice with a celibate or married nun's hood without a
membership fee, as already he could see the potential of making money with
Jesus and Mary Magdala's freely flowing land of milk and honey, as there were many
wanting to prepare the grounds for James IV and to acquaint him with his
parents dead and out of the way with alchemy as profitable one deemed already
any heretical secret society that pays even now on many an island for the lame game
tee fee - so, whosoever is not with Jesus Christ and His family should start
the rage of God again to dread, as once too often the evildoers and traitors
on His patience and lovingkindness unashamedly and without blushing did tread.
God bless you!
P.S.: My beloved Lord and King and God Jesus is the Lord of the Dance
alone, and He dances, wherever He may be, and He is the Lord of the Dance,
says He. And He is pointing now the finger at you and eliminates
your entry from His good books as you have been clearly identified
with your long list of sin against your every next of kin, and are unwilling
to repent that you are a member of the secret society crooks, who
tried to spread everywhere all about the complete holy family all
the wrong hooks. But you see, for us, who believe Christ in blind
faith and trust in Him, and love even our enemy for their souls' highest
good over the brim, He was always without any doubt the real McCoy
and the one and only heavenly roy and He tested you all, whether
you would truly in utmost obedience and in humility climb up the
heavenly ladder or whether you secretly harbour all the wrong
concoctions of spiritual pus in your kidney and bladder – then
by all means loose your own lame game of snake and fall down
into your own mind's hell on your manipulated ladder.
God is my light
Blessed be Jesus Christ, God's beloved Holy Rose, bud and blossom.
Blessed be His living word that is the sword of the holy Truth.
Blessed be His eternal Truth.
Blessed be His most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be His most Precious Blood.
Blessed be His complete eternal Holy Family.
Mother Ziggy
Anno Domini 31st March MMXI
Memorial of St John Donne
God bless you!
Mother Eliora,
A Catholic order in the Angl.-Catholic tradition
in affiliation with Bishop Ralph Napierski in union
with the RCC
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