Tuesday 4 December 2012

The Return of Jesus Christ, by Mother Sigrid Eliora/Abbey of the Holy Rose

The Return of Jesus Christ

by Mother/Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Jesus Christ was, is and always will be humble and does never any curses or evil incantations mumble, nor by accident over mill stones and secret society cones stumble,as He sees and hears everything. He is always there everywhere, and always was and always will be -  He is the Alpha and Omega, and the Master of the Universe, and not a hypochondriac PR- and marketing star for bucks in November going towards December. His legacy is alive in the truth that is even breathing in the flesh and speaking through the living word, in our dreams and the voice of our conscience that ever louder for justice for all holy souls screams.

He has shown His face and I have seen the Lord and that makes me even more humble and that made me devote even my every breath and every inch of my borrowed living space, and I listen even to His instruction for every salt's pinch in my soup and pie and mash, and He tells me, what to do in case of a toothache or a pain or a rash. And with Jesus Christ's conscience in my heart and soul I see through His eyes and ears and He through mine and we tell never to anybody a lie, and we also do not on our neighbours spie nor do we bake to our friends heretical porky-pies; and miraculously, even without a penny in the pocket suddenly God provides all we need by sending miraculously what we need in cash; and for that we do not need to drink the blood of a rat or bat nor do we have to gaslight others, who pretended to be our sisters and brothers, and who accepted bribery for stealing even our trash.

Jesus Christ never needed a temple or house of his own to spread the good news, as He certainly had no true friends amongst
the keyholders of membership pews. He simply went into hiding and taught God's law even in the meadow, sitting on a step or on straw with Mary Magdala, His beloved one and only spouse, who sat at His feet silent and adoringly like any wife in love, and had to hide with Him, even when pregnant with their twins, in many a cave, where He did not shave for a long time, and hardly ever in a house. They only had mostly God's blue dome as their home, as too many evildoers and traitors were only pretending them a helping hand to be lending, and were cashing in on their 'friendship' in all sorts of twisted ways, of which every single one the truth betrays, and the very nucleus of God's creation - their incarnation already as a holy couple joined in eternal holy matrimony as Adam and Eve.

The reason, why Jesus Christ won't show Himself like some 'Superman' in a Hollywood-Bollywood fashion is that too many have again tried to put themselves for some sad five-minute fame into the bookshelf and to maltreat Him and His incarnated family like some Satan's elf, and to even kill them off - na, dafuer gibt es bald auch in allen deutschsprachigen Raeumen nicht nur in Traeumen bei den groessenwahnsinnigen Abschaeumen allgewaltigen legalistischen und juristischen und theologischen Zoff,
und ich nicht auf Gerechtigkeit hoff, sondern sie verlange und dafuer sorge, dass genommen wird jeder Verraeter an der Wahrheit in seine eigene Inquisitionszange - natuerlich nur symbolisch, denn, wenn Gott erst einmal auch in einem weltlichen Gericht mit Jesus Christus in dieser Inkarnation macht unerwartet Station als Zeuge oder gar als Richter, ich mich gerne ihrem Aufruf beuge, und als Jurymitglied zur Verfuegung stehe oder auch bereitwillig hinter den Kulissen die Schreibarbeiten oder haeuslichen Arbeiten versehe.

Whosoever expected Jesus Christ to come from heaven with a big bang, is in for a surprise, when suddenly is brought about even a former king's or leader of sorts' demise by a guy speaking just basic slang from behind the trash can, as Jesus Christ could be any righteous and grim looking man, who is out for truth and justice in all matters, and He does not condone, if a husband his wife batters or her hopes that he made her shatters, and He never anybody usually flatters but He might crack a joke to somebody, whose sandcastles lie now in tatters, and who played to the last moment regarding the truth spiritual secret society hokey-coke.
And He might just such a selfish arrogant git also on  social network unexpectedly after a long time of silence poke, as He has once too often been attacked with His wife by somebody, who into their computers hacked and abused his spiritual gifts and wished upon them in a curse a stroke. Not nice - so, expect to receive back your every stone from Jesus Christ, if you sent Him one with your secret society cone even paid for by bribery from the public purse, which will not be received well by the public, if common knowledge becomes the extent of spiritual headlice, with which one tried in collective organised criminality disguised as theology and philosophy and whatnot entity to prevent His advent.

And for those evildoers and traitors has now started their eternal Lent, as they failed to the last moment their sins to confess and to repent. Such is the return of Jesus Christ in impact that simply through the truth in written form as  a fact He will bring unexpectedly and gradually or even simultaneously worldwide in the subconsciousness stream but also in every individual conscience God's law back as the norm, and He has the power to shift mountains and to make even self-appointed pharaos and kings and queens and pyramid hierarchies based on briberies and heresies and simply plain filthy, greedy, seedy and weedy phantasies themselves out of the bookshelves lift and to His law of truth to conform.

KUSHTA - the truth, is Jesus Christ's way, and I would not want to be in the shoes of all the foes, who did the holy truth betray, as back to them come now all the woes that God returns from under His iron dome, and those traitors have nowhere to hide from now on, as they will be known as a spiritual con, and they might own a house but they won't feel in it  no longer at home, as all is borrowed to us, and Jesus Christ's disciples never needed more than to live and speak and breathe the truth and in holiness to dwell under God's dome, wherever it is, and they always and again, wherever they are, any heresy weeded and freshly through their example alone the mustard seeded.

We only use for filling sweets for our school beginners to mark their transition to disciplehood an upside down cone, and we do never throw at others a stone but at the most into the clear water to playfully make ripples and waves in the silvery light on the Holy Rose See, and all our gifts we share for free. Our shore is not known to anybody related to the babylonian whore, as we never look back to anybody, who did us betray and from the holy truth stray and who sold us out; and God keeps us safe from any further spook or crook, who wants to get ideas for his next book that he hopes to be a bestseller, and never a true friend was also a female German Geschichtenteller, who even stole in a previous incarnation under an evil incantation from Sisi many a heller, and this time round also many a line, which will be subjected by God to a copycat fine - but not in late royalty back payments but in the form of a poetess, who publicly does her sins confess and clears up her heretical mess and puts wrong right also with all the words that rhyme with less and rosemary and thyme; as God makes everybody repent, also involuntarily, if they refuse to do so voluntarily.
And many did already anyway admit their crimes and filth and grimes because they cannot help but under witnesses to boast and to burn their competitors as toast, which in turn become their next enemies in line for bribery against them, as they all belong to the same worldwide headquarters of every secret society that had as its aim to prevent Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala from returning
and especially their children.

Only, who is not a disciple of Jesus Christ 'wonders' unblushingly, why His return has not yet been announced, although they laugh unashamedly and knowingly into His face - these evildoers are in for their biggest ever fall not only from their secret society ladder but also from God's grace, as He has shown to some already also His face. And you can still see the shock in theirs - when they realised that had courted all the wrong worldly empire heirs.

God bless you!

Mother/Mathair Sigrid Eliora

The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

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