Saturday, 15 December 2012

Only, who builds on God's truth will be saved by God and through the truth

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Dec 15, 2012  -  Public
War and whoremongers want to sell the guns that are carried by pseudo-priests and nuns and that are available even to children of secret societies - and  they kill purposefully, because they were groomed to instill fear in society, so that their hierarchy can make itself felt through corruption and threats that it is near. Whosoever has left his integrity and moral highground in authority needs to ...Expand this post »
War and whoremongers want to sell the guns that are carried by pseudo-priests and nuns and that are available even to children of secret societies - and  they kill purposefully, because they were groomed to instill fear in society, so that their hierarchy can make itself felt through corruption and threats that it is near. Whosoever has left his integrity and moral highground in authority needs to strip off the masks and stripes and stars from organised criminality that is Freemasonry and other such secret society. As they want to profit from organised anarchy and violence and subscribe to hypocrisy under the disguise of saving their 'nationality' - all holy souls, who want to live peacefully and in human dignity and in unity are already one in God, and they trust in Jesus Christ's way of truth and abhor sin and heresy. The dead will hae to bury their dead alone, if they refuse to surrender to give up their secret society cone and have only themselves to blame and the deaths of innocent lives and their blood will be added to their name, including the eternal condemnation and shame. Make sure with your own life as an example that you stay pure and do not on the truth of Jesus Christ and God's law trample, and tame the beast of every secret society by standing up to all evil and abandon hypocrisy but give your own time and God's spiritual gifts selflessly to your true family and for free, and make sure they are ample.
Repenting is no longer enough, God will get with Jesus Christ on society's cancer tough »
Edit photos - Tag people - Add text - Add more - Remove All Remove Sigrid AgocsiDec 11, 2012 - Public Secret societies are cancerous cells in society that commit under the umbrella of profitable bus...

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Dec 15, 2012  -  Public
And the higher the position they claim, the greater the madness and grandeur they claim in their secret society - but they are simply thugs, who are overdosing on greed and drugs. Time for society and for the leaders with moral integrity and true authority and royalty to put a stop to delusional and obsessed pompous imposters, of whom each also the idea of taking over the throne or seat of the other from Rome to Dover and around the world fosters.
Imagine - but I'd rather not, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora »
Imagine - but I'd rather not by Mathair Sigrid Eliora Imagine - but I'd rather not - nonetheless, there are still a few madmen in a privileged position in the man-made world, who have yet to confess t...

Sigrid Agocsi

Dec 15, 2012  -  Public
Clemens Galen zu Wilsberg: 'Sie sollten mal mit Frau Kommissarin Lukas zwischen Regensburg, Rom, London und Muenster auf den Lukas hauen, und den falschen Pfaffen der Geheimgesellschaften ihre heimliche Ritualshow versauen, denn die wollen auch noch ueberall nicht nur morden, sonder auch  noch Gebeine und Kirchenschaetze horden.'
Galen fragt Lehmann im Wilsberg Antiquariat »
Mathair Sigrid Eliora Dec 13, 2012 - Public 'Koennte nicht Kardinal Lehmann mal ein bisschen vermitteln, damit der Stuhl in Rom auch die Roma und Sinti empfaengt, die den Holocaust ueberlebt haben...

Sigrid Agocsi

Dec 15, 2012  -  Public
Imagine a fallen angel, who calls himself the prince of peace is really a dark onw with a secret society cone and brings to the slaughter his own illegitimate son and daughter - that is the stuff, of which the most sinister pyramid hierarchy is written, and that is not from God but from one, who secretly wants to play god and king and thinks, if he rat blood under a dome drinks, he holds the power of a copycat Moses' and Aaron' rod - no wonder, that his ship by the second ever closer to rockbottom church sinks. No wonder, it always even through the walls stinks.
Report a crime, and start to do so on the top of the list, MI5, in a gist »
Dec 12, 2012 - Public And the latter applies to a whole bunch of self-appointed spies, who abuse friendship and their fellow-church congregation for organised criminality and heretical lies and slan...

Sigrid Agocsi

Dec 15, 2012  -  Public
If your womb or breast has been taken off needlessly, talk to God and you nevermore suffer silently but He passes on your complaint directly to many a corrupt and evil shore that has for their secret experiments or just out of a vow to commit evil violated not only human rights and human dignity and endangered life or even killed, but also defiled the sacraments for the devil in many a pseudo-Catholic confraternity, which is nothing but organised criminality that makes out of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ even in many a cathedral a mockery for money and property, abusing diplomatic immunity and impunity that was granted to them by somebody high up in the pyramid and church hierarchy in combination even with many an imposter, who posed as an official secret service directory. 'Time to act, Your Majesty', says M, 'and to show some real MI5 authority, as we must prove to the people that we are the real keepers of law and order and of the truth, as otherwise we loose our integrity.'
Report a crime, and start to do so on the top of the list, MI5, in a gist »
Dec 12, 2012 - Public And the latter applies to a whole bunch of self-appointed spies, who abuse friendship and their fellow-church congregation for organised criminality and heretical lies and slan...

Sigrid Agocsi

Dec 15, 2012  -  Public
If your womb or breast has been taken off needlessly, talk to God and you nevermore suffer silently but He passes on your complaint directly to many a corrupt and evil shore that has for their secret experiments or just out of a vow to commit evil violated not only human rights and human dignity and endangered life or even killed, but also defiled the sacraments for the devil in many a pseudo-Catholic confraternity, which is nothing but organised criminality that makes out of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ even in many a cathedral a mockery for money and property, abusing diplomatic immunity and impunity that was granted to them by somebody high up in the pyramid and church hierarchy in combination even with many an imposter, who posed as an official secret service directory.
Report a crime, and start to do so on the top of the list, MI5, in a gist »
Dec 12, 2012 - Public And the latter applies to a whole bunch of self-appointed spies, who abuse friendship and their fellow-church congregation for organised criminality and heretical lies and slan...
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Sigrid Agocsi

Dec 15, 2012  -  Public
Isn't it interesting that so many Catholic scientists have walked on the path of wrath of a lost war, and still try to create a master race via their secret society, and commit on a wide scale their notoriety - but God knows their face.
Time to cut through the red tape: The Catholic Chu... »
Friday, 21 September 2012 Time to cut through the red tape: The Catholic Church and the Treatment of the Roma and Sinti in and after the Holocaust Time to cut through some silence and red tape and ...
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Sigrid Agocsi

Dec 15, 2012  -  Public
Not guns but surrender to God and the truth of Jesus Christ are the only way to law and order across every border. Don't utter a prayer, if you hold a gun in your hand or intend at home even under a dome with heresy as your weapon to lead the sheep to the slaughter, as you are visibly a wolf, who even sacrifices his own son and daughter.
Aramaic Hymns and Prayers »
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NRjxpxH0RE8& Our Lord's Prayer in Aramaic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKBtb3zZhOE Our Lord's prayer GOD BLESS YOU! Mother Sigrid Agocsi Mother Superi...
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Sigrid Agocsi

Dec 15, 2012  -  Public
Only, who builds on the truth, will be saved by the truth.
La Tour d'Amour pour l'Eternite c'est La Sainte Famille de Jesus Christ et Maria Magdala »

The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

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