Thursday, 6 December 2012

Repent, by Mother/Mathair Sigrid Eliora

 Repent, by Mother/Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Wie tief koennen eigentlich anglo-katholische und Roemisch-Katholische Priester und Bischoefe noch sinken, von dem Kakao, durch den man Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena und ihre Kinder zieht auch noch in der Adventsfeier zu trinken? Die tun ja wohl auch - at least at face value - nach Hochverrat stinken?! Aber dann - wir sind ja laengst bei Gott zuhause angelangt, und die Verraeter stehen in ihrer eigenen Kaelte oder in ihrer von Luegen schon in den Balken verbogenen Kirchenmarkthalle, die auch nur ist eine organisierte Todesfalle fuer Grusel- und Halbmondgeschichten, die die Wahrheit durch Jesus Christus Augen tut ploetzlich von einem anderen Stern aus belichten, und der ist ganz nah und gar nicht fern, und das Licht der Wahrheit ist auch Gottes Schoepfung runder Kern, und des Heiligen Geistes Wunder ist ein Menschenverstand, ein allseits und rundum gesunder!!!
Und ueber alle Geheimgesellschaften kommt nun ins Gespraech und in den Fokus immer mehr deren Rolle im organisierten Verbrechen unter diplomatischer Immunitaet und fuer deren Weisswaschung kommt nun auch jede Kirchenvorstandssitzung zu spaet, und der Missbrauch von Kindern im grossen Stil ist da auch ein Punkt, ein ganz wunder.

Wer etwas zu gestehen hat, der tut das besser nun freiwillig, bevor die Polizei an seine Tuere klopft, vor allem, wenn man als Kirchenvorstandsmitglied und in der City hat irgendeine Rolle in diesem Menschenhandel und bewusst herbeigefuehrten haeretischen Wandel gespielt, denn einmal zu oft haben die Tentakel der Todesspinne und der gierigen und schmierigen Kraken selbst bei Priestern hinterlassen ihre elektronischen Kakerlaken und ihnen falsche Beweise untergejubelt in ihren Laken.

Wer macht denn so was?! Tja, das habe ich mich auch lange gefragt, bis es mir dann jemand aus zuverlaessiger Quelle hat selbst gesagt, der nun auch die wahren Schuldigen hat offiziell angeklagt: Spione, die sich von Deutschland ueber Oesterreich von Rom bis England von Australien und Kanada alle in der City von London und drum herum in den Kirchen tummeln und ueber alles jeden beschummeln! Und die sprechen alle Deutsch, zumindest sagen die das: 'Alles klar?!' Yes, finally all falls into place and I could also officially every secret society face with their boasted notoriety to the appropriate authority tell, and I have survived every of their curses and their every black magic spell - and they might just shiver from now on, as they are pointed out also publicly as spiritual con and members of organised criminality, and they loose their impunity because they have even become for their spymasters a blood stained liability.

And all, because some demoness did take too long her sins to confess and lied to all of her kins, and bullied whole hierarchies into her heresies because she could not stand since the beginning of time Adam and Eve's=Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala's holy family, and wanted to be all-in-one in twisted lore, and shine in her smoke and mirror light as a virgin, whilst she in fact was simply a babylonian whore with her brothel sisters playing priestess - and there is many a female demonic entity, who left in every church her mess and tried to tarnish the few holy priests' reputation across every nation. Time for her to face up to her own devil, as even he had enough of being treated by her rough, it seems, as once too often the next man-anointed generation already plots and schemes against the original holy family and God gets now on every spiritual con simply with the truth into their face tough, and reclaims from the banks again for the poor many a litigated space.

The banks are casinos, it seems, but their tentacles are not that many, as you just have to point at their centre of the beast that only ever celebrates orgies even under boasting their membership in the exclusive family tree of some cats and corgies, who despise the truth of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdala's in Canaa wedding feast, as they are so obsessed with owning royalty on all levels for all that money and property can bribe - but all holy souls cry out now for justice through the truth, and felt in the bones of the wearers of secret society cones are their vibes.

I call upon God to sort them all out, and God will unexpectedly at all evildoers shout, as He has recovered from His latest attack by the heretics, who wished upon Him gout and He will take to task all, who abused children and committed murder, fraud, theft and other crimes and rips off every secret society face their mask and even a once early and high riser will have his highest ever from God's grace fall.

And like a rolling stone that takes a whole mountain down, many will suddenly in their own tears and fears drown, when God and Jesus Christ have had enough to be treated by illegal organisations tough and they refuse to play any longer the clown but show the evildoers into their face all holy souls' collective frown showing their disgust at the few that are left in sanctuary and pew, who have devoted their lives to evil, greed and lust. 'And whosoever has purposefully committed any sin, and mocked the Holy Spirit and true love and compassion, need not cry out to God for mercy', as a holy Scottish husband called Percy says to his wife Joyce from heaven, who did make finally the right choice, and defended the truth, as she remembered a kind gift of a purple heather and a cross and a picture of a wreath, as she remembered that she already had failed once upon a time as an Elder Boaz and Ruth.

'And the evildoers need not bother to cry on the shoulder of holy souls, when the time comes to go for all their evil deeds bust and nicked, as once too often a criminal in the disguise of a bird the wrong feather and glove picked.'
'And in my heart is not flaming hell's vengeance but the heavenly desire for justice through the truth, as I feel my Boaz=Jesus Christ's heat and God's anger that make their bomb of truth tick, as they want peace and harmony and unite again our bones in the right tomb', says from heaven Ruth.

Mother/Mathair Sigrid Eliora
Abbey of the Holy Rose

The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth.

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