Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:55 - PublicDis-honour list, as who is not on it, is on Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdalene's true honours' list.
Having been made a lord or lady yet? I thought you take, what you can get for worship of mammon and over holy souls and the Holy Spirit publicly in blasphemy to fret?, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Having been made a lord or lady yet? I thought you take, what you can get for worship of mammon and over holy souls and the Holy Spirit publicly in blasphemy to fret? Jesus Christ sees and hears all a...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:54 - PublicUnd auch der Opa Gustav hat mir in der letzten Woche mal wieder das Leben gerettet und mich vom Himmel aus in Gottes Rosen gebettet, als die Geheimgesellschaften mein Leben mal wieder hatten als ihren Koeder Jagd zum Hoechstpreis verwettet, und so konnte ich schon am naechsten Tag wieder in hoechsten Toenen selbst die Namen der unheiligen Ritter und Damen singen, die am Spieltisch im Casino am Russell...Expand this post »
Und auch der Opa Gustav hat mir in der letzten Woche mal wieder das Leben gerettet und mich vom Himmel aus in Gottes Rosen gebettet, als die Geheimgesellschaften mein Leben mal wieder hatten als ihren Koeder Jagd zum Hoechstpreis verwettet, und so konnte ich schon am naechsten Tag wieder in hoechsten Toenen selbst die Namen der unheiligen Ritter und Damen singen, die am Spieltisch im Casino am Russell Square immer die Croupiers in den Wahnsinn bringen, und die sind heilfroh, dass die Wahrheit nun ausgesprochen die wird auch im Gericht mit ihrem wahren Gesicht vor Gott und Jesus Christus in die Knie zwingen, und ich wuensche nicht einmal meinen schlimmsten Feinden in den Gemeinden, das sie so wie ich muessen immer wieder deren Suenden buessen und so wie ich um ihr Leben ringen, aber jedes Mal, wenn sie versuchen, mich nun in der Strasse zu gruessen, laesst Gott sie buessen, denn sie wuerden sich am liebsten mit ihren Fuessen in die Luefte schwingen, aber dahin koennen sie nicht mehr, denn dafuer haben sie gesuendigt gar zu sehr. Und ich kenne sie nicht mehr. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Und nun kommt der Opa Gustav Salewski auch noch der Wahrheit zur Hilfe, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Und nun kommt der Opa Gustav Salewski auch noch der Wahrheit zur Hilfe, der auch wusste, dass Maria Magdalena ist Jesus Christus angetrautes Eheweib, und trug seine Zwillinge in ihrem gesegneten Lei...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:49 - PublicInteresting, who suddenly wants to have known well and appreciated a certain poetess and not have desecrated with her witches' coven Mary Magdalene's dress behind a church hall oven. Honestly? You must be joking, if you think that I that low sink with you any cup of your poison to drink, as you of organised criminality and heresy even in your own devil's den now stink and of high treason in any given season, and, fortunately, it is all well documented, as even your former spies and allies have at least in parts confessed and repented, and always your greed and envy resented. Mother Sigrid Eliora
R.I.P. Richard Harris, you are not just remembered as Dumbledore but in gratitude for also guarding the truth as a secret keeper of Jesus Christ's Holy Rose See shore, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck 16:41 - Public And now we ask from the Jesuits and from the Knights of Malta: What is it going to be - lies of spies or the truth and nothing but the truth! As long overdue is you...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:45 - PublicUnd 'Hottehue' mit der Wahrheit reiten die Kinder der Heiligen Seelen auch nach Bullerbue.
Und der Bamberger Reiter sagt auch: 'Bita T'em, Yahwe, Opre, Gelem Gelem! Wir laufen oder reiten oder fliegen gleich nachhause weiter!' »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck15:18 - Public Und der Bamberger Reiter, King Istvan alias Jesus Christ, sagt: 'Und Malta und Rhodos lassen wir auch rechts liegen, denn wir gehen einfach bis nachhause gleich weit...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:44 - PublicInteresting, how silent it is, when it is usually noisy, if a whole street thinks and waits that one the announced poison drinks, and still not with one's ship sinks.
'You've got mail!' by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck16:10 - Public Beating the boundaries on your pavement - with sounds of incantations and spells on the pavement? That sounds to me like a Judas priest predicament - as Jesus Christ...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:43 - PublicAnd a certain first old English ship with neo-faschist crosses I say simply this: you better your big empire plan and every single criminal and vampire from across the corrupt and murky oceans skip, as otherwise the authorities even in Munich now and in many a cabaret show with your piratery treasure beyond measure you right into law and order across every border tosses. As God and Jesus Christ are...Expand this post »
And a certain first old English ship with neo-faschist crosses I say simply this: you better your big empire plan and every single criminal and vampire from across the corrupt and murky oceans skip, as otherwise the authorities even in Munich now and in many a cabaret show with your piratery treasure beyond measure you right into law and order across every border tosses. As God and Jesus Christ are of their ship the bosses, and won't put up with your heresy and any lives' losses to make your mark. You never sang to anybody but yourself: 'Hark'. And your own bloodhound did disgusted at you bark, when you in front of the mirror even with a moustache the position of another lusted. You are already in your dream busted, and nobody will answer your silent scream, but God puts all your sins into the holy souls and the nations' consciousness stream. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:37 - PublicFinally Hagar and Ishmael point their fingers at themselves, and it is clear as our water and hospitality, that they just wanted with heresy and war and whoremongering and big empire power obsession fill the bookshelves than to walk the earth with our mobile kitchen hearth and bring peace and unity and human dignity under our tent. And to Hagar and Ishmael I only say simply this: Repent, repent, repent...Expand this post »
Finally Hagar and Ishmael point their fingers at themselves, and it is clear as our water and hospitality, that they just wanted with heresy and war and whoremongering and big empire power obsession fill the bookshelves than to walk the earth with our mobile kitchen hearth and bring peace and unity and human dignity under our tent. And to Hagar and Ishmael I only say simply this: Repent, repent, repent. And never ever come near again our tent. You are cut off from our family, as you put false blame and shame on our name with your filthy dirty heresy and your war and whoremongery under the disguise of religion. How dare you to betray our faith and God and to go from God's commandments astray and lead millions with your heresy astray?! And lead them into death - just because of your envy that Ishmael was once also Sarah's son until you corrupted his mind and had him spellbind, and led us all through your hell's grind, you demoness?! You have a lot to the nations to confess and you have to clear up all alone with your secret society cone your every notoriety and mess. And then, mankind will finally peace and unity and human dignity find on the whole free of your every bloodthirsty mole. And paradise, by the way, was perfect, until you with your envy slandered it and its inhabitants, because you could not get in as a snake but wanted all that is good from it take and money and property with it make. You are one big fake and a screeching mandrake, and from your bitter and cat litter verses of perverses I can no more take and declare heretical your every shore. And make that also criminal in many of your houses of a babylonian whore. Mother Sigrid ElioraCollapse this post
Abraham says to Sarah: 'Enough blood is spilled and too many holy souls killed through Hagar and Ishmael's organised heresy and criminality', by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Edit photos - Tag people - Add text - Add more - Remove All Remove Sigrid Eliora Kuck11:39 - Public 'Enough blood has been spilled and holy souls killed due to Hagar's bloodthirst', says...
Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:29 - PublicA vicar's list: 1. Court injunctions against church wardens, 2. call Jesus Christ's police, 3. gather flock at the police station to hand over the true accounts by repenting auditors, who had 'overlooked' that even they had been crooked and threatened with their families to be cooked, and, "quite frankly, felt at the thought spooked", and suddenly from Rome to Dover they have to take anew stock of ...Expand this post »
A vicar's list: 1. Court injunctions against church wardens, 2. call Jesus Christ's police, 3. gather flock at the police station to hand over the true accounts by repenting auditors, who had 'overlooked' that even they had been crooked and threatened with their families to be cooked, and, "quite frankly, felt at the thought spooked", and suddenly from Rome to Dover they have to take anew stock of their assets and blackholes, and suddenly every hierarchy claimes to be at the scale of organised fraud shocked, and ever so sorry that they the poor with their pompous and arrogant heresy even at mass mocked and that they the truthseekers and whistleblowers treated as weed, although they even gave their lives and surrendered themselves to ritual knives ritualistic slaughter to enable a woman to make it at last to tell the truth and even lead even in the flesh a life in the true creed. That was one hell for many well spent under a desecrated church bell, as their mustard seed did at last make it through all the weed, and now they can rejoice and hold up their heads that they even under a fake-secret society cone they made the right choice and let clearly speak the truth against the stream and all odds for them all in one voice. Deo Gratias! Mother Sigrid Eliora, P.S.: There is no other brother with any seed of Jesus Christ - all others do smother and do only with copycatting and greed and lust and power obsession and big empires and faschism and slavery bother.Collapse this post
Tick off list »
From a parish church warden's tick off list: 'The forecourt weeds will be cleared. Need to be accounting for missing members and looking out for each other. IMPLEMENTATION OF A FUTURE SCREENING PL...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:19 - PublicNot to speak of the culture of organised grooming and criminality looming and heretical dooming instead of giving through the truth alone mankind hope - shouldn't have smoked and inhaled under a Scheinheiligenkreuz in their monastery too much of their own heresy and dope and should not have treated Jesus Christ as their clown and slave and shown him his and his wife's grave under a Buddha tree that even Buddha did not want to have a part in for an advisory fee, because he also saw Mary Magdalen in her real, and humble wedding gown that God had to him shown, and the desecration of the false one caused even Buddha at his followers to frown. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Und der Joseph Ratzinger sagt nun: 'Jorge, ich Dir meine jede Sorge und auch noch meine Kardinaele borge', by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Mama, who bore me... 2013-04-29 - Public And don't you dare to call the blood on the hands of a murderess and murderer 'stigmata', as that twist comes from some unbelievably heretica...
Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:14 - PublicOne cannot have it all ways: Making profit from heresy, investing in fake charity and pretending to be a prophet, who preaches and teaches heresy but wants to kill those, who have had of all the lies and wars in a false flower's name put on them false shame and blame and had to act as snipers and spies for heretical and fanatical war and whoremongers under a pseudo-holy roof, who only ever play themselves...Expand this post »
One cannot have it all ways: Making profit from heresy, investing in fake charity and pretending to be a prophet, who preaches and teaches heresy but wants to kill those, who have had of all the lies and wars in a false flower's name put on them false shame and blame and had to act as snipers and spies for heretical and fanatical war and whoremongers under a pseudo-holy roof, who only ever play themselves spiritual roly-poly and wear secretly united even with other so-called religious leaders an all-uniting devil's hoof and cheat on their wives and lead secretly more than just double-lives - not even the best author of a spoof could come up with the true horror stories that have been committed against Jesus Christ's true cup. So, if you threaten me to kill me just for speaking out the truth that you long know and have even withheld from me, when I trusted you all, then you are in for your highest ever from God's grace fall and the law will you with your true face in teh courts one of these days as the defendant also call. Mother Sigrid ElioraCollapse this post
And to a Singing Cat I say: You did with your heresy God big time betray, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Edit photos - Tag people - Add text - Add more - Remove All Remove Sigrid Eliora Kuck11:47 - Public And to a singing Cat I say: You didst also with your songs and heresy the holy souls betray big ti...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:09 - PublicDie, die Jesus Christus befreit mit seiner Familie hinter sich gelassen hat - und die ihm auf den Hals geschickt wurde, und noch zusaetzlich ihm verursachte eine unmenschliche Buerde, aber seine Familie ueberspringt notfalls auch eine manipulierte Huerde und braucht keine amtliche, aber stellt wieder her menschliche Wuerde. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Es geht ein dunkle Wolk herein, Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck11:59 - Public 'Und Jorge: Nicht nur Tulpen kommen aus Amsterdam. Und nicht nur Tulpen gehen aus Heiligenkreuz nach Amsterdam,' sagt verschmitzt ein ehemaliger Altkatholik, der gen...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:08 - PublicAnd Jesus Christ does now simply every evil spell to the purposefully blinding secret societies to themselves bind and they won't anymore in any shore their names in the bookshelves find.
And even the Blind start now to see, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
And even the Blind start now to see that only in the truth they are truly free, as the Truth did itself tell, and they are no longer under the heretics' spell, which did itself to their own shelf bind...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:07 - PublicUnd wie war das noch mit Drusius? Honestly? Must be some heretical clan that is as confusios as Konfuzius, als er bekam von einer Hexe einen Tiefseekuss, und fand sich wieder in den Tiefen ihrer Abschaumbruehe, und alle seine Retter schliefen.
Tulpen aus Amsterdam, und einen Zwinger fuer den letzten Knochenueberbringer, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck 13:16 - Public Tulpen aus Amsterdam, und durch die Windmuehle ihrer eigenen Hoelle geht nun eine ganze Spiegelsaalgesellschaft, die abgesagt hat den Tanz ihrer Vampire, denn die h...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:05 - PublicJesus Christ does not only have the power to be a mustard seed sower or to rip out as weed a certain yellow rose of neo-texas empire flower from its own heretical creed but can also put an evildoers into his own body's jail - at the incoming sound of 'you've got mail.' And then, a whole neo-faschist empire wished their leader had never made that last click, as now for the truth and justice of their victims the clock does tick. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Zwinger kann man schnell bauen, wenn selbst sein eigenes Volk verliert in einen Haeretiker das Vertrauen, der tat auf Sand seine Schloesser anstatt auf der Wahrheit bauen, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Und Jesus Christus spricht: Zwinger kann man schnell bauen, wenn selbst sein eigenes Volk verliert in einen Haeretiker das Vertrauen, der tat auf Sand seine Schloesser anstatt auf der Wahrheit bauen,...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:02 - PublicEven for those, who feel they are above the law it knocks even on a Saturday at 7am on the door, as never asleep are Jesus Christ's true and righteous flocks, who took testimonials and cases and issued emergency court injunctions and closed thus on many a culture already of mammon grooming and war and whoremongering dooming and corruption the book. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Lex Domine Iesu Christi - Jesus Christ is the living Law, not to be treated as the last straw in a secret society draw, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
20:42 - Public Jetzt koennen sie ja zum Flamencotanzen nach Rom oder Leiden oder zur Tulpenausstellung mit haeretischen Skulpturen nach Amsterdam, denn da gibt es so ziemlich alle falschen Spuren na...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
10:00 - PublicJesus Christ has His way to make even the evildoer under His living law to dance in his sleep and to confess to his sins and his murky waters that are even with the dead bodies of kins already far too deep - and then, suddenly there is a knock on the door on the ground floor and one has to pay the price of exposure of one's secret devil's den, as a victim and holy soul cries out for its hurt and wounds' through truth and justice closure. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Dance, dance, wherever you may be, I AM the Lord of the Dance, says He, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
21:27 - Public Einen verwirrten und verirrten von Leiden tue ich ganz sicher nicht beim Gericht beneiden, wenn der dort verliert sein Geheimgesellschaftsgesicht, denn selbst in Den Haag haben die nu...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
09:57 - PublicAnd war and whoremongers I do not anymore in any shore greet in the street.
Peace is all we need as a holy nation, and that comes through the sweet justice in the truth alone and Jesus Christ is the way to peace, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
03:09 - Public Allerhoechste Zeit mit der Wahrheit allein zu entgiften jeden Wein. Von Galen zu Wilsberg: Na, dann raeumen wir doch mal auf mit Psaltern und Harfen zuhauf, und dann kriegt endlich m...
Sigrid Eliora Kuck
09:55 - PublicWe are home in God, and that home nobody can take away - not even one, who under his secret society cone threatens to drop on it a bomb and to make it a tomb, and who has already cursed more than once but unsuccessfully Mary Magdalene's womb.
Holy Rose Tent Sunday School: Tiffany's Blog » Tenta o Develesko Famalia Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/ The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus ...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
09:55 - PublicGott sieht ganz klar, was da abgeht auf der Andrea Doria und anderen Schiffen, auf denen sich die vor ihrer Ueberfuehrung stehenden Crews sich unter den mit all den falschen und vor allem haeretischen Kreuzen und Bannern nun vor Selbstmitleid oder heuchlerisch vor Gericht die Nase schneuzen.
Beware of a man-made star, who does cause secretly to holy souls a scar, as one does him already from his stage bar, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck 17:18 - Public So einen Zug wird eine Neo-Faschistenwelle nicht einmal mehr fuellen ueber unsere Leichen, denn vorher stelle ich mit Jesus Christus Hilfe um mit Worten die Weiche...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
09:53 - PublicAnd Jesus Christ is the ONLY one, whose path is free of wrath, as it is the only one of peace, human dignity and puts the vulnerable and poor and holy souls first without the need for an agenda but for Him peace, holy unity, safety and human dignity are simply an in-built priority and come with His true living creed. And His law is alive and well, as He gives the truthseekers the strength their side...Expand this post »
And Jesus Christ is the ONLY one, whose path is free of wrath, as it is the only one of peace, human dignity and puts the vulnerable and poor and holy souls first without the need for an agenda but for Him peace, holy unity, safety and human dignity are simply an in-built priority and come with His true living creed. And His law is alive and well, as He gives the truthseekers the strength their side of the story as victims to tell, and frees them of the slavery of greed and lust and power obsession in any disguise. And only the truth is the key to justice and it is Jesus Christ's only way but then, every secret society, who actually worships mammon and commits for money and property and power unspeakable organised notoriety and cover-up criminality would know that it is also part of a devil's den of the war and whoremongers across denominations amongst the in greed united nations with neo-Roman Empire style or Egyptian lore shore or whatnot heretical bad phantasy that always involves slavery. Mother Sigrid ElioraCollapse this post
My hero is Jesus Christ, other than that: zero! »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck17:31 - Public My hero is Jesus Christ, in all His incarnations, other than that: zero! And God in all His mannifestations is also His hero and mine, but that will never understand...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
09:14 - PublicOh, so gern wuerde ich wieder nach Hause gehn zu dem Mutterland, by Tiffany Agocsi »
Oh, so gern wuerde ich wieder nach Hause gehn zu dem Mutterland by Tiffany Agocsi Oh, so gern wuerde ich wieder nach Hause gehn, zu dem Mutterland, das so fern, aber so nah ist. Oh, so gern wuerde ich...
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Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius
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