Isn't that the house of this criminal, who abused religion to organise criminality under the disguise of heresy?!
by Mother Sigrid Elioracheater,
Isn't that the house of this criminal,
who abused religion to organise criminality
under the disguise of heresy?!
That wife beater and thief and black wizard, who even
keeps snakes and takes as pets lizards?
And this one is of the one, who posed
as clergy, or was it a rabbi or imam,
who did wear a secret society cone,
all of them anyway in the same one
around that house of the old Drury lane,
it is difficult to tell in the night,
when they come with a hat
and leave with a wild or curly mane.
One thing is for sure - they all in their greed
and heresy overdosed and even went as far
as having water poisoned, when it was hosed.
And they also threatened a holy soul that
speaks the truth as Zane with his life,
that evil breed of slavery masters,
who want their caster sugar ever faster
at the expense of holy lives lost and of the truth
being covered up and buried in an underground
labyrinth underneath the city of London at all cost.
But as all holy souls' faith is sound, they brought
the truth concertedly, quietly and most beautifully
but also firmly onto the ground, and some of it
can be found even in the post.
And whilst in the world the poor are starving,
the organised evildoers are their idols
of mammon from charity money in
luxurious and spacious charity property
carving in a uniform fox tone, and with an international
communication systems and prime location housing
with organised criminalisation in-built by a cushy awakening
field ivory bush drum network of a telephone.
Take on top of that the PR and marketing system
combined with the hacked government agencies',
who would have never such grand scale operation
voluntarily backed, then suddenly it makes sense
and gives a round picture, why strategically pops
up even in a hurry a chief executive of a corporation
in disguise as an engineer on an estate after
a strategic power cut, and at other times
he chimes with an envelope in his hand
the bell for yet another crime at the bus stop
with a moustache like some old
fascist fuzzi, of whom he carries in his body
the genetical code abode.
And speaking of genetically modified - there are
also those, in yet another bribery sponsored house,
in which they can afford to eat from Meissen,
Wedgwood and only in the week from Spode
- as observed by a church mouse - and who are
selling porky-pies to kosher and halal butchers
that are also heretical swines and make yet
again their own version of perversion of
genetically modified porcupine after a recipe
of an old holy Roma grandmother,
and for that they slander her and say that she
did at their meeting smother and curse, and that money
was missing from their purse - and when she dared
to go to the police, the evildoers had her attacked
and she died suddenly an unexplained death, although
healthy and holy had been her breath, but, you see,
she was of heresy free and knew that the eternal
wedding wreath of Adam and Eve was also safe
with Abraham and Sarah and Amram and Yocheved,
Boaz and Ruth and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene
to name but just a few of their major incarnations,
and they have never used against anybody,
especially not against their every enemy
any evil incantation in any nation.
So, which house was it again, where the truth
lives? I heard though that God from now on
no longer certain sins against her kins
forgives, and we better check our own
record with God and Jesus Christ, whether
we have any outstanding dues of sins,
and then, they will enable us to get in
the right time in the right place the right clue
and can avoid an evildoer or make him stand up
to the truth, as it is written also all over his or her face,
and it is either free of sin or it is inscribed with
every single crime and one can tell, when
somebody from God's grace fell.
And suddenly even a once dyslexic student
can as a judge all names correctly spell
and even a former judge no longer does
his or her neighbours begrudge, as everybody
knows, that they poisoned even a holy soul's
fudge and faith in their house.
God's house is in our hearts and lives
on free of every spiritual con, with the power
and authority and love for His holy souls
of Jesus Christ, Yahwe, El Shaddai, El Eljon,
to name but a few of His holy names
for the former members of a most
unholy pew, who no longer seem to be
wanting to be the devil's air crew.
Mother Sigrid Eliora
by Mother Sigrid Elioracheater,
Isn't that the house of this criminal,
who abused religion to organise criminality
under the disguise of heresy?!
That wife beater and thief and black wizard, who even
keeps snakes and takes as pets lizards?
And this one is of the one, who posed
as clergy, or was it a rabbi or imam,
who did wear a secret society cone,
all of them anyway in the same one
around that house of the old Drury lane,
it is difficult to tell in the night,
when they come with a hat
and leave with a wild or curly mane.
One thing is for sure - they all in their greed
and heresy overdosed and even went as far
as having water poisoned, when it was hosed.
And they also threatened a holy soul that
speaks the truth as Zane with his life,
that evil breed of slavery masters,
who want their caster sugar ever faster
at the expense of holy lives lost and of the truth
being covered up and buried in an underground
labyrinth underneath the city of London at all cost.
But as all holy souls' faith is sound, they brought
the truth concertedly, quietly and most beautifully
but also firmly onto the ground, and some of it
can be found even in the post.
And whilst in the world the poor are starving,
the organised evildoers are their idols
of mammon from charity money in
luxurious and spacious charity property
carving in a uniform fox tone, and with an international
communication systems and prime location housing
with organised criminalisation in-built by a cushy awakening
field ivory bush drum network of a telephone.
Take on top of that the PR and marketing system
combined with the hacked government agencies',
who would have never such grand scale operation
voluntarily backed, then suddenly it makes sense
and gives a round picture, why strategically pops
up even in a hurry a chief executive of a corporation
in disguise as an engineer on an estate after
a strategic power cut, and at other times
he chimes with an envelope in his hand
the bell for yet another crime at the bus stop
with a moustache like some old
fascist fuzzi, of whom he carries in his body
the genetical code abode.
And speaking of genetically modified - there are
also those, in yet another bribery sponsored house,
in which they can afford to eat from Meissen,
Wedgwood and only in the week from Spode
- as observed by a church mouse - and who are
selling porky-pies to kosher and halal butchers
that are also heretical swines and make yet
again their own version of perversion of
genetically modified porcupine after a recipe
of an old holy Roma grandmother,
and for that they slander her and say that she
did at their meeting smother and curse, and that money
was missing from their purse - and when she dared
to go to the police, the evildoers had her attacked
and she died suddenly an unexplained death, although
healthy and holy had been her breath, but, you see,
she was of heresy free and knew that the eternal
wedding wreath of Adam and Eve was also safe
with Abraham and Sarah and Amram and Yocheved,
Boaz and Ruth and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene
to name but just a few of their major incarnations,
and they have never used against anybody,
especially not against their every enemy
any evil incantation in any nation.
So, which house was it again, where the truth
lives? I heard though that God from now on
no longer certain sins against her kins
forgives, and we better check our own
record with God and Jesus Christ, whether
we have any outstanding dues of sins,
and then, they will enable us to get in
the right time in the right place the right clue
and can avoid an evildoer or make him stand up
to the truth, as it is written also all over his or her face,
and it is either free of sin or it is inscribed with
every single crime and one can tell, when
somebody from God's grace fell.
And suddenly even a once dyslexic student
can as a judge all names correctly spell
and even a former judge no longer does
his or her neighbours begrudge, as everybody
knows, that they poisoned even a holy soul's
fudge and faith in their house.
God's house is in our hearts and lives
on free of every spiritual con, with the power
and authority and love for His holy souls
of Jesus Christ, Yahwe, El Shaddai, El Eljon,
to name but a few of His holy names
for the former members of a most
unholy pew, who no longer seem to be
wanting to be the devil's air crew.
Mother Sigrid Eliora
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck
08:40 (edited) - Public There is no better to confess and to clear up all unspeakable mess than when all are gathered in solemn dress, as some have already other plans afterwards and are busy to change their address.
'Den Seinen gibt's der Herr im Schlaf', by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Share what's new...Opening... 'Den Seinen gibt's der Herr im Schlaf', sagt man, aber wer zu beschaeftigt ist als Anti-Christ zu reissen Jesus Christus jedes unschuldige Schaf, der kriegt natuerlich nichts von irgendetwas mit,...
Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius
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