Friday 3 May 2013

My hero is Jesus Christ, other than that: zero!

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

17:31  -  Public
My hero is Jesus Christ, in all His incarnations, other than that: zero! And God in all His mannifestations is also His hero and mine, but that will never understand any heretical fish in a corrupt brine, who thinks, when he drinks gold from a mine he no longer with his organised criminality into an abbyss sinks - that not only sucks but also stinks - just like Nero, who even serves fried frank with a poisoned porcupine!
Beware of a man-made star, who does cause secretly to holy souls a scar, as one does him already from his stage bar, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck 17:18 - Public So einen Zug wird eine Neo-Faschistenwelle nicht einmal mehr fuellen ueber unsere Leichen, denn vorher stelle ich mit Jesus Christus Hilfe um mit Worten die Weiche...

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

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