Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Update: Manush, it is time, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

04:17 (edited)  -  Public
Und Marie-Valerie sagt vom Himmel: "Zeit fuer Stefan herunterzukommen, meinen Bruder, denn der ist schon ganz aufgeregt hier oben, und uebt schon Kanufahren mit einem Ruder, denn damals wurde unsere Mutter verflucht von Frauen, die einfach nur waren boesartig, neidisch und verrucht, weil sie in guter Hoffnung war und gluecklich mit unserem Vater trotz aller Unkenrufe, aber sie verlor Stefan und hatte...Expand this post »
Und Marie-Valerie sagt vom Himmel: "Zeit fuer Stefan herunterzukommen, meinen Bruder, denn der ist schon ganz aufgeregt hier oben, und uebt schon Kanufahren mit einem Ruder, denn damals wurde unsere Mutter verflucht von Frauen mit heimlichen Hexenhueten und Teufelshuf, die einfach nur waren boesartig, neidisch und verrucht, weil sie in guter Hoffnung war und gluecklich mit unserem Vater trotz aller Unkenrufe, aber sie verlor Stefan und hatte eine Fehlgeburt, und nun ist es wirklich an der Zeit, den Unterwelt Prater aufzuraeumen, und wir helfen, wo wir koennen in den Traeumen, denn wir koennen selbst unsere Eltern retten in versteckten Rauemen von all den Todesfallen, die ihnen in den Weg gelegt werden von diesen haeretischen und kriminellen Abschaeumen, die eh nicht sehen den Wald vor lauter kuenstlichen Baeumen, aber die wahren Schafherden von Jesus Christus kennen den richtigen Landesteg fuer ihre Beschwerden, und da muss man nicht einmal anklingeln, sondern da sind Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalena immer erreichbar, Tag und Nacht, denn die halten immer ueber alle Seelen Wacht, und inzwischen darueber auch niemand mehr lacht, sondern immer mehr einraeumt die Wahrheit und dafuer sogar Zugestaendnisse in ihrer Haeresie als Filmphantasie macht - aber die brauchen sich keiner Illusion hinzugeben, diese Luegner und Betrueger und Moerder, denn es gewaltig auch vor Gottes Gericht mit den Fakten von den Gerichtsakten kracht, und nicht nur darueber, dass man unserer Eltern Leichen auch in diesem Leben wieder enden lassen wollte u.a. in einem Schacht oder in einem anonymen Grab - da hat vorher Jesus Christus, unser Vater, als meine Mutter um Hilfe flehte fuer all heiligen Seelen, noch schnell ueber alle Suender, die nicht ehrlich bereuen, gebrochen den Stab."
Und der Bamberger Reiter sagt auch: 'Bita T'em, Yahwe, Opre, Gelem Gelem! Wir laufen oder reiten oder fliegen gleich nachhause weiter!' »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck15:18 - Public Und der Bamberger Reiter, King Istvan alias Jesus Christ, sagt: 'Und Malta und Rhodos lassen wir auch rechts liegen, denn wir gehen einfach bis nachhause gleich weit...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Yesterday 22:45  -  Public
Manush, you should have seen it: the 'sword' in a paper cup - and I held it up, up, up for the truth! What did you do - make it alive with a little true word?! As suddenly no more inclination showed a certain murderous entity for a hit, when she realised that even her own son will one day know that his own mother made Jesus Christ look like a spook and crook and git, and that she threw in the neighbourhood at everybody the wrong hook and even her own family's confidence and foundations' with her heretical infestations shook.
Daniel 12:1-3: Time is up, the sword of Michael lives as the truth in the flesh. The truth that shall bring the peace of justice. Opre, Gelem! Gelem!By Mother Sigrid Eliora »
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck (Mother Sigrid Eliora)'s profile photo
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck 04:04
Some people seem to confuse reality with a film set and do themselves with D-film roles with the rest of the moles beget for some sad not even five minute lasting 'Witches of Eastwick from SW-London to the East' fame - amazing, how even the Richmond Thames moves to the truth, albeit in the hope still to kill 'by accident' - get used to it, the beast is tame.

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Yesterday 22:40  -  Public
Did you know that the island St Helena was also the prison-exile for criminals, who plotted against the sheikh of Bahrain? At least, that is, what they said in one Hitchcock film - seems to me more like a kind of treat, after all, they do have islanders, who do not on Jesus Christ and His truth cheat. No wonder, why suddenly so many heretics have an interest there in delusions and obsessions to invest - a word of advice,ye fake church mice: Leave the islanders alone with your secret society cone, as they do not like it, when you try their peace with your heresy to infest, and they already had enough of your sandcastles and return to you via Jesus Christ from a safe distance your every at the truth and them thrown stone.
Bahrain rhymes with the unjust judgement of man over Cain, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Bahrain rhymes with the unjust judgement of man over Cain by Mother Sigrid Eliora Bahrain rhymes with the unjust judgement of man over Cain, who was actually not a murderer, but Abel was by somebody e...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Yesterday 22:36  -  Public
Or halva or baklava? With love from Manama
Olive bread anybody? Fresh bread, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck14:50 - Public Mind you, it becomes so boringly repetitive and obvious even, as these kind of 'king-makers' and 'reborn insects turned queens' are of each other extremely envious a...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck 04:19
Doop-doo-do-do-dop. Manama, na, when will the Elders accept finally Jesus Christ's manna?! But make sure it is the real bread, and not some PR agency's instead, as fast changing like the desert wind is there every head, and even once pureminded intentions are cause for concern to ask for peaceful heavenly interventions by Jesus Christ, and He simply says: Speak and live the truth, and I answer your call for help - but for that you have to stop treating me and my wife and family like see kelp, and stop cheating on your wife and stop treating a weapon better than a human being,  and stop using on us and her a ritual knife and turn around to the truth and holiness your life, , as otherwise your own waste will one day on you back drop, as once too often did leave a bad aftertaste an Egyptian paste on a holy soul, whom you caused for a parent to bereave. Yes, the heretics get more and more apparent in every infested shore, as not even boasting anymore, but toasting is even meanwhile the bad economy blaming babylonian whore, who is naming and shaming and no longer boasting, when faced with beast taming en galore.

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Sigrid Eliora Kuck 04:41
Und es ist auch keine Arche Noah, denn, wer toten Goettern huldigt und gehoert gegenueber Jesus Christus und Maria Magdalenas Wahrheit zu den Spoettern und Haeretikern, der muss bleiben auch mit Tinnitus in Goa - da ist wohl ein Fluch zuviel zurueckgekommen auf eine falsche Perle und Muschel, und ein Elephant hat sich zu spaet erinnert, das er schon einmal sich fuer die hat in deren Richtung aus Versehen verrannt, und wurde von denen schon wieder verbrannt.

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Yesterday 21:49  -  Public
I did blow a memorial kiss for a secret keeper of Jesus Christ's Holy Rose See today but I thought I rather give yet another hit a miss, and went  elsewhere and rather followed the instructions of OUR HEAVENLY FATHER and sent the devil into exile and Jesus Christ into bliss.
R.I.P. Richard Harris, you are not just remembered as Dumbledore but in gratitude for also guarding the truth as a secret keeper of Jesus Christ's Holy Rose See shore, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck 16:41 - Public And now we ask from the Jesuits and from the Knights of Malta: What is it going to be - lies of spies or the truth and nothing but the truth! As long overdue is you...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Yesterday 21:47  -  Public
Ohne Wahrheit keine Gerechtigkeit, und ohne Gerechtigkeit keine Ehrlichkeit und ohne Ehrlichkeit keine Ehrbarkeit - also, was wollt Ihr eigentlich, Ihr falschen armen Ritter - Ihr sagt doch gar nicht die Wahrheit, sondern verbreitet Haeresie, und diese Erkenntnis stoesst inzwischen auf auch vielen Eurer falschen Apostel und Juenger ziemlich bitter.
Und der Bamberger Reiter sagt auch: 'Bita T'em, Yahwe, Opre, Gelem Gelem! Wir laufen oder reiten oder fliegen gleich nachhause weiter!' »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck15:18 - Public Und der Bamberger Reiter, King Istvan alias Jesus Christ, sagt: 'Und Malta und Rhodos lassen wir auch rechts liegen, denn wir gehen einfach bis nachhause gleich weit...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Yesterday 21:43  -  Public
And those, who plan to bomb trains I only say this: 'you are barking mad, and you are really and truly sad, as you are  one hell of a liability even to your own unholy heretical entity to justify your lack of responsibility and sheer stupidity, and you are most certainly a member of a secret society that only exists to be on lists of notoriety.
Bita Chavo t'a Chavori o andray meriben jalimengri/ The little boy and girl from the death train, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Bita Chavo t'a Chavori o andray meriben jalimengri/ The little boy and girl from the death train, by Mother Sigrid Eliora The little boy on the death train lost his toy locomotive, and thou...

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Yesterday 21:41  -  Public
And you better drop all, when Jesus Christ tells you to leave this instant in order to mark His holy empire's invisible border and to let His holy souls to God's glory His truth's story at the same time sing - then, even a former devil's den does to its sheer countenance cling, as the dragon did not like its former keeper's constant competition with yet another bat wing that did suddenly with a fake...Expand this post »
And you better drop all, when Jesus Christ tells you to leave this instant in order to mark His holy empire's invisible border and to let His holy souls to God's glory His truth's story at the same time sing - then, even a former devil's den does to its sheer countenance cling, as the dragon did not like its former keeper's constant competition with yet another bat wing that did suddenly with a fake-brother also albeit with an artificial sting dance back and forth for a promise of a vase from the period of Ming. You know what, I don't with such heretics anymore bother, and leave them their own destiny in their own mind's hell to smother, and for them suddenly a mortifying fear causes even the next door bell, as they never know, whether it is the nice man from the pru or one that has a gun under his shell and who sends a pseudo-nun, who is also not happy that her former member of her witches' coven did about her all sorts of home truths tell - it is complicated, when heretics even for their own spell on each other fell. I would not want to live in that kind of hell, I rather leave my coffee and get another one in a paper cup, when I hear my Lord Jesus Christ's true bell. And suddenly a murderous heretic finds herself out of the bookshelf and in her own mind's hell, when she sees herself through the eyes of her son, to whom she one day will have to explain, why she put on holy souls a stain and had a part in attempts to have them slain, simply pathetic.

Mother Sigrid Eliora
Listen to your Heart's Holy Bell, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck20:53 (edited) - Public Listen to your heart's holy bell - as that will the truth as it is handed down from God in all its facts and details and acts tell and never ever fails, and...

Manush, a judge told me today on the bus: Did you know that the High Court is open 365 days a year, and that one can ring the bell even at 2am and to a judge an urgent case tell, and get an injunction by paying £ 45, for instance, for preventing a Satanist mother to sacrifice her son in the night at the altar of a neighbouring church, to which she secretly holds a key from the lurch via her secret society - as for that, I am sure no judge would like to be seen keen to have assisted ritual slaughter, to a bat, especially, as possibly his wife might have done the same under her witches' cone of the same secret society, at least in intention already, with his daughter. As that is the kind of thing, organised crime 'sisters' with the help of their priory of sorts, do contemplate, when they pretend to hold in the law society or in the church house or hall of sad fame or in the Tate a female debate. But Jesus Christ has ordered for them to be delivered to their doorstep a visible to all sandfilled crate that clearly does their names and shames and blames state. As it is time for the victims to receive justice through the truth and then, they can finally heal from every devil's den that cursed and malnursed them with their devil's hoof, and made holy souls look like a crook or spook under their own roof. And exposed will be also their every deal, with which their even internationally with the help of bribery money overdosed to wee into each other's honey. Without secret societies and their organised notorieties this world would be just fine - remember, Manush: da vast, it is time the golden swine and beast to outcast and then all holy souls will finally shine like your birth mother and brother, as they do about the truth after all their suffering so very much from the bottom of their hearts bother. And they did never ever smother.

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

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