Tuesday, 5 February 2013

There once was a Deacon, by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

There once was a deacon

by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

There once was a deacon,
who was of holiness a beacon,
and who had already as a baby
seen God's light and whispered in his
sleep ever so content and deep:
I want to become a deacon and a beacon
of truth and prepare with my mother
and father and sister and all my family
of all incarnations Jesus Christ's return
to Mary Magdala,
and also put wrong right and end any
unholy fight for all our ROMA=human beings'

And he became a deacon, then a priest
and found out that he was betrayed by the very
institution that was only dead elocution and
even ordered to his horror his beloved family's
execution and threatened him with further killings
and to frame him with organised criminality, if
he would not cooperate in international heresy,

as so strong still was the Aryan obsession
of a big Roman or Egyptian or Greek empire
that all the hierarchies were gradually taken
over from Rome and Dover and outside in heresy,
even with artificially created vampire teeth, and
a spy headquarters in every lane and heath
based on bribery and twelves' covens,
who cursed their neighbours and deathdoctored
or ill-nursed holy mothers in their labours.

The deacon, then priest saw that even the bishopry
was based on a secret society draw and he drew
intentionally the smallest straw, so that he would be able
to save his friends, who are his real family from
further harm, as he would only pretend the evil powers
and principalities a helping hand to lend and only conspired
with the dark forces across the border in order worse actions
and crimes to prevent.

But now, the golden calf and cow have again changed the cards
and mixed once too often into a hand that was this time against
them fixed and so, finally justice can be done, as closed is the circle
that started all this gamble against the return of Jesus Christ
already with an international election urn of coldblooded clans
and green hills and deserted deserts of Sodom and Gomorrha,
who had their own plans with earth, and they did not include
to serve God in obedience and humility and in self-chosen
poverty -

but over from Rome to Dover and all around the world
is the corrupt lame game, as from now on suddenly on
all traitors and evildoers will be put their long overdue shame
and blame to their own name, even black on white
in a court room - and they will never ever have
anymore access to the real eternal bridegroom and groom,
and they will have to return even Mary Magdalene's heirloom,
and admit that down to artificial insemination and to forced
mass rape on Roma and Sinti women was their future
slavery nation but God did take on every spiritual con
and exposed his every size and shape and plans for a
mass hit on a yet unprecendeted scale

but once too often did also a Yellow rose of Texas delusional liberterian
on his own obsession with empire grandeur overdose and spread
too early his pride of golden manure and made on security and
secrecy fortunately a concession and boasted everywhere,
so that even, when toasted his bread was stale or full of mould -
not quite, what he had in mind, when he tried on even
God and Jesus Christ the trigger to pull, and suddenly became
pale, because they told him into his face that his pit is already
full and that the forensics do now put him also with evidence
for evermore renewed fascist decadence and pestilence to his own
hell's grind.

And suddenly the world might its former power brokers
and their stock been taken over by the justic demanding real
Jesus Christ flock, and all heretical hokey-cokers are in for their biggest ever shock,
when God on their door will with His reformed voluntary law legions knock and
uncover all sorts of stolen piratery treasures from underneath many a floor;
and the punishment will be beyond all anticipated measures.

Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

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