Sunday, 10 February 2013

'Good News from the Priesthole', says Bonnie Prince Charlie

Good News from the Priesthole

'Good News from the Priesthole',
says Bonnie Prince Charlie,
'we have cleared every single
one from an Anti-Christ mole
and have grilled every corrupt
Roman and Dover sole and
even sent a warning to the South
and North Pole to leave the ice alone
with their druid's cone,
 as God has received warnings from the dolphins
and whales on the way, that man even has
tried to replace them with many an intelligence gathering
and ill-frequencies emanating clone, and very sad
were their tales about poisoned
water and in their see artificial fluids that
guarantee a longer 'life-span' for that half-robotic
half gene-manipulated aquarian idiotic tin can.'

'And not only the Anti-Christian amongst the Scots
have for the devil and the brides the hots
but also meet up in troublesome spots, where
the latest plots are being gambled out over
cocktails and red carpet snake tails
between the spies from Rome and Dover
against the Roma=Human Beings' family
of Jesus Christ, as they are apparently
not welcome under any official doma.

But then, they have their own ROMA tent
of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala, that they
shared and visited already with their ancient
family as Adam and Eva and Abraham and Sarah
etcetera etcetera -

and to those evildoers, who spread lies with their
spies and heresy and blamed on the Roma
and Sinti their own organised criminality

But don't fool yourselves that you are getting
any space nor role in films or bookshelves,
nor an award from betting nor a reward as a sniper
against the lives of holy souls, as then you
will be surprised with your own devil's den
being publicly instantly demised as that of a particularly
evil viper and snake, and your
legal advisors to the PCC and to your company
or society board
will themselves
be by their prosecutor and arrest police officer
about their rights advised, and that won't be
an act of variety but a final exposure and closure
of utmost evil and organised criminality
and immoral notoriety.

'I am now actually humble and god-fearing',
says Bonnie Prince Charlie, 'and my only desire
is to serve God and to be of truth His Infinite light's
rod to pave the way for the return of Jesus Christ
to Mary Magdala, and I already knew and loved
them as my family from the beginning of time
and protected and sheltered them from many a crime
and filth and grime invisibly with my loyal friends
and secret holy community amongst the ROMA,
who have given us their compassion, their friendship and
all they had, including their time, and taught us to pray
in Romanes our every intercession and made us
confess any possibly forgotten concession and transgression
and we would not dare in their holy presence to
swear or undress but we shared in their every tear
and their fear of being yet again blamed and wrongly
shamed for some evildoers' mess,

and thus, it is time to clear up all filth and grime and crime
and the balance to the truth to redress, even, if that means
that somebody spills the beans that some bloodthirsty
lady in a red dress did use evil means and somebody even
in her  name kills and leads a life of stolen frills at the cost
of holy lives lost, who have done nothing wrong and even
only forwarded with the truth as holy whistleblowers a post
to a nun, who only pretended to be one in a priory, and who
carries at all times a gun, and pretends to be frail -

and there are others, unholy sisters and brothers, fathers
and mothers, and falsely acclaimed heroes of war -
who try to even take the life of God and Jesus Christ
in this incarnation also again, and of Mary Magdalene
and their children, with a ritual knife.

I will put to this now a stop, and at an unknown hour
and place my notice drop, and then, from Edinburgh
to some old Roman tentacle  Square to some
flatland cage of a hare over, also from Rome to Dover
is every devil's den lame game over, as the
beast is no longer interested in a certain fame
but has decided rather to behave and to
spare itself the public shame and will appear
under careful supervision - tame.

As nobody is above the law, not even some
self-appointed and self-anointed king or queen,
who are also on Egyptian and Roman and whatnot pagan lore
keen and who wanted to prevent that Jesus Christ can
back to His beloved wife Mary Magdalene come.'

Mathair Sigrid Eliora

Inline images 1

Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

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