Friday, 26 October 2012

{Celtic Church of St Chad-Cill Naomh Ceadda} {Abbey of the Holy Rose} Hau den Lukas - Ring the bell



QUSHTA, the Aramaic word for TRUTH, uttered and lived in the breath of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala as one in heaven as in flesh is the holy wind of their family that even penetrates every heretical and criminal enclave and conclave held behind a desert mesh and thus even a quiet humble bookworm suddenly can with their storm in his back bring out the truth - no longer hidden away - in the sand that will be for all liars and evildoers with their murky water added their clay.

My grandmother, Oma Mathilde, appeared to me just in the right moment in a dream, and whispered into my ear: 'Do not fear - Hau den Lukas, Ring the bell, don't stop the truth to tell, as I will help you with all of us up here to rid with the facts of the truth that speak for itself the world of its hell!'

'Hau den Lukas' (ring the bell), was always her motto that she taught to me already, when I was a little child in order to stand up to evil by speaking the truth and to take with God's help out of the hands of the evildoer with their black magic wands by refusing to drink with anybody, who spreads poison from the same cup.

And it is also a measurement of the power of the mustard seed sower, when a tiny flower can ring the bell without any official man-made authority bestower. My Oma Mathilde always had to improvise against the Nazis and her home was raided and her babies intimidated but she survived to God's glory as she lived in her own little world and in reality a truly holy story as a holy mother, grandmother and wife, and she knew, how to use for cooking a knife but would never endorse anybody taking another's life.

And she even showed me, whilst taking me from heaven in her arms that only when we speak out against evil, will those vulnerable and even without a manger no longer in danger of harm, and even posthumously there can be healing, when the most evil souls finally do repent their evil poker hand dealing.

And, by God, her 'Hau den Lukas' meter showed me that numbers are growing steadily almost overwhelmingly beautifully, as they rise unitedly, the truthseekers, from all over the world, and when I checked on google I found their grew even sixfiguredly with the resurrection poetry f.ex. about John and Anne Donne and the truth of the other incarnations also of Jesus Christ's holy family.

We do not boast about numbers but Oma Mathilde thinks it is time for the heretics to surrender to the truth and for the saintly churchwardens and cleaners to come down from heaven to take off the hands of the evildoers again the churches and church halls and to bring them to justice through the truth. And, if it is any indication, suddenly even those, who declared me nuts only recently start to greet me suddenly aware that they committed against the truth high treason and that they are the reason for many an indignation - but as long as they do not have the guts to say 'Sorry' to their victims and to help to the truth's ignition that they only know too well, as they were cashing in on trying to silence my bell quite significantly, they are still not sure, whether they should rather wait, whether somebody might finally me kill to shut me up but I simply stay away from their invitation to a cup of auld lang syne, as theirs they do not fill with kindness nor truth but with lies, as they are actually in reality simply rotten spies, who lead a double life and even only pretend to be a husband and wife, or to lead a dutiful single life.

And then, my grandmother, with her best Sunday dress on, gives me a final loving comforting stroke and tells me that Jesse (she always called Jesus Christ like a beloved son by this name) is NOT a bad bloke and certainly NOT a con, and reminds me that, when heaven was particularly beautifully radiating in all colours He was baking cookies for me, as a strong sense for law and order and family had she.

So, Oma, I thank you that you showed me that the bell has finally arrived on its highest Lukas point, and that one should not cry, when one is with another soul by God for eternity so beautifully joint, and no man can another anoint, whom God did not with his soul in heaven name and appoint. And nobody should underestimate Oma Mathilde's holy and blessed family connections in heaven and on earth, and she also had in heart also the truth that was entrusted to her as a free message by a Roma, when she was a young cook and housekeeper, and treated her as a trusted friend at her kitchen hearth. And my Oma Mathilde had a right nose for a spook and crook and would not touch any liars' book but listened to the truth in songs and oral stories, as they were all to God's glories and made sure that young girls would always stay pure and saw God's law as their right cure.
And she despised lies and spies and crook and all, who were trying to make holy souls look impure by throwing behind their back purposefully a false hook.

The only failure we can have is not to have tried at all to stand up to evil and to spread the truth. And now the Elders, who have already betrayed Ruth will find out even posthumously that one does not unpunishedly and unashamedly and unblushingly lie about and kill God's family.

QUSHTA, Avon d'bishmaya, illa passan min beesha.

Mother Sigrid Eliora

KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ


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