Friday, 26 October 2012

Are you a friend of the truth - or are you its enemy?

May the Infinite Light of Our Lord and King of Kings and God shine upon you upon your path, so that you can walk safely on Jesus Christ's way of truth without wrath and with true love only in your heart and holiness and purity, and thus you are shielded against God's every enemy, and in the best of company in the eternal community of holy souls in heaven and on earth, simply surrender your every worry, fear, concern and anxiety to God and Jesus Christ, and they will send you in the most wonderful ways on an angel's wing the most holy souls, who on your behalf all evildoers back sting with the facts, as they do no integrity lack and have from God directly received their living authority even posthumously, and with everything provided for free we are never affected by any credit crunch, as we share all our gifts also for free, and thus we swim in the most beautiful crystal clear see of truth and eternal life  - welcome to the creative bunch of Jesus Christ's family! Who cares, if any evildoers call us mad - they only want to cover up and conceal that they are in fact really bad, and we simply find them extremely sad but leave now the dead to bury their dead, as it seems, even a bus conductor recently said to God's handmaid in confidence, as she could see he was suffering from the fare dodgers' arrogance: 'Some just want to be bad and evade tax, although they are millionaires, and they run up and never even pay their taxi fares but order even for the desert a fax, and when they are undercover for their secret society, they even crawl under the booth of the bus driver like some experienced murky corrupt see diver.'

You are welcome in our house, if you are truly a friend of the truth but if you are not, Jesus Christ will give a warning look to His beloved wife Mary Magdala, who God let remember also some interesting details of her incarnation as Ruth.

And nothing beats home cooked meats that are free of poison, and we have no budget for poisson but we can cook like a 3star chef, as we learn from the best, who have also passed their every not only pastry and gourmet test but also gave for God and the one holy nation always and again their all and did without expecting a return even in equipment invest in order free butter to churn  and rustle up a recipe to remember from across every even ancient border in lightspeed from an orally handed down cooking book - as too expensive are the establishments and literature and purposefully faulty on top of every crook and spook.

And whosoever truth denies and God's family's holiness and peacefulness defies and about holy souls and true events lies and not repents, is in for a surprise that even the most expensive stent momentarily in its rhythm shook, when Jesus Christ the staff out of the devil's advocate hands' took.

God bless you!

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Abbey of the Holy Rose/

Cill Naofa Ros

KATHOLIKOS: universal
KY RIAKE: belonging to the Lord
ECCLESIA: the gathering of the holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ


1 comment:

  1. Truth is the key to God's home, and it is not a physical one but a soul that lives in holiness and speaks the truth free of a secret society cone under God's blue dome.


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