Friday, 16 December 2011

just a little whistling note

Just a little whistling note...

Somehow, God wants me something very serious indeed
from the Holy Spirit regarding His beloved Son begotten, Jesus Christ,
to quote, and that is, that 'upon His return He will be whistling
a tune and sign off with El Eljon'.

That is the message but I don't know, what it means, but
I think whistleblowing even in a thistleflowering tower
that is short for spilling the beans also on every single
killing, whether it was in word or in deed, and that is
also called a confession throughout any profession.

I was brought up to show respect to all clergy
and to believe, what I am being told in church -
but little did I know that secret societies had long
preached heresy in those buildings from the lurch
and became throughy property and money shifting
in numbers against the guardians of the truth
more strong.

And how was I supposed to know that there are
treacherous souls even amongst people, who present
themselves as friends and family long lost, who are
actually feeding heresy and lies like spies at even our
own cost to the neighbourhood and amongst their
own secret ranks of pranks in their secret societies.

When you are brought up like me surrounded
by a sometimes passionate and infuriatingly orderly
family that puts its faith and trust in God and treats
everybody with respect and with human dignity,
especially the meak and the lowly, and shares all
for free, what we have received freely, then one
does not suspect any betrayal or strayal from any
for example priest's widow, who rather joins
the pranks from rock bottom blood-drinking church
gate keepers of the devil with their evil and does
for a drink also of their lies partake and spread
and shares their ratpack stink from the lurch,

for whom now all redemption will come too late
as they have chosen not to repent and in holiness
and regret to glow for having known the truth
and still having betrayed the Son of God, whom God
did really beget.
And so, they will now have in their own misery collectively
to fret without any free food and they have to clean up
their mess alone as even God and Jesus Christ no longer
pretend them a helping hand with the devil to lend
and have confessed to the Holy Spirit that they
had to wear at times in order to protect Mary Magdala
and Jacob and Zara-Zarai's truth from further filth
and grimes and crimes committed against them.

And they rip now also as a family from all the faces
the mask and take to task, who was instrumental
in all these lies and disgraces in desecrating once
holy places. No longer can anybody pretend unnoticedly
and unashamedly that they do a vicar a helping hand
lend, whilst they behind his back all holiness and love
of God as churchwardens and parish council and parishioners
lack and even abuse their skills into the parish priest's and
holy men's and women's e-mails to hack and to alter
their posts, so that it looks like they are to obscene
parties the host.

These vipers and snakes with their screeching mandrakes
even fill many a devil's think tank, and that is, why suddenly
even the riots out of the blue like some propaganda machine
stank from all sides, as desperate to conceal their devil's hoof
are Satan's and Judas' sadistic and polygamistic brides,
and the Holy Trinity no longer from them their disgust
hides but makes it clear that Jesus Christ is indeed near
to instill again even in them of God's rage the fear
and to hand back personally their every curse and to
bring justice for every soul, whose body was attacked
or killed by a devil's doctor or nurse,

and in the heavenly kingdom of God we are all together
collectively for each other the public purse, as we share
all our gifts for free and we do not waste any money
nor property for a big secret society that only grants
access for a membership fee that in turn finances
the excess of decadence and spiritual decadence
even in desecrated churches with grandmasters
of secret societies becoming churchwardens
and parish council members or the grey eminences
in the lurches, who try to frame innocent souls
with their own crime and throw at them their own
filth and grime.

No more lies by spies and I don't care, if anybody
in desecrated places the holy truth of Jesus Christ denies
as to me the holy truth is a living reality, and everybody,
who holiness defies and treats with contempt the heavenly court
will soon find themselves on their own exiled balloon
so very alone in a realm that is but a delusion even in the four
corners of the world, and their story will never last as lies
travel fast and are only based on sandcastle obsession made up
by plain spies and could only last as long as the empire of the devil
was through diplomatic immunity secured vast.

And there won't be any happy anniversary for anybody,
who thinks, when one secretly rat blood drinks, one is
a god or goddess, who can even kill and threaten at their
leisure their own clergy, and let them mock God and holy souls
by doubletonguely in their thought speak their blessing
that is with Jesus Christ the shepherd and His flock messing -

God bless!
I would rather rethink these two words and add 'YOU',
as now even every tank has started to have doubts
on its goals and missions by secret admissions of
many a former hidden society rank because the slaves
are no longer loyal even to a self-declared royal, if
they are being betrayed by a man-made icon, who
even from God and from the holy truth strayed,
and not only vampires in their dreams slayed
but also their lives and their wives with ritual knives.

Because God alone has the power and via Jesus Christ
the Mustard Seed sower He also identifies, who is and who
is not the original holy flower, and who spreads about whom
vicious lies and lets frame an innocent soul by spies, and in the end,
when the truth makes itself heard, suddenly nobody will evermore
comprehend, how they could fall for so long the deceit and false
promises and sandcastles of the devil and every Anti-Christ and
their every babylonian whore.

And holy souls constantly even the slightest sin abhor and start
and finish their day with 'I confess', as we would like to be able, not
that we need any other mirror than God's face, to say we stood up
for the holy truth and not for a heretic fable, when God turns on the evil
and lies now the table, as He has on the devil himself now played also
the terminator. The contract is over from Rome to Dover, and the sole
and the mole are cleared of the double-use of their name, and only, who
is righteous in their right company and leads a holy life either in voluntary
celibacy or in holy matrimony gets from now on but does not even want
in the book of life any fame, just the truth to be told as it is, and then,
it is over for all generations with the devil's den, as our children
will no longer simply take you at face value in your position but
you will have to prove your every word in holy action and move
forward only in faith and trust and holiness - as that is for the heavenly
kingdom on earth an absolute must.

Mother Sigrid (Ziggy) Agocsi
Anno Domini Iesu Christi 15th December MMXI


God bless you!


Mother Sigrid Agocsi, 
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

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