Friday, 16 December 2011

From the shroud of John Donne the bell tolls

From the shroud of John Donne  the bell tolls



Judas - John Donne did your bell toll,

denn das Mass ist voll, you have to take up your

responsibility and God demands that you put wrong

right and end your unholy fight against the truth of

Jesus Christ and Mary Magdala, his wife, and Jacob and

Zara-Zarai, their children, in short: his little family.


A bishop, who is outspokenly a defender of money and property

and riches and power is a liability to any family, not only a royal one,

especially, when he also swears and then breaks against God and Jesus Christ's church

and holy truth an oath.Ánd when he also lets invade from the lurch every secret society just any holy community

and recruit new members for his Judas cone, and throws on top of this

at holy men and women not only symbolically through slander

and threats by all degrees and grades of his hierarchy his every stone, then he also dares at holy children to hiss

and does not hesitate to subject them to a hit but, fortunately, thanks to the truth coming out he did already

many an opportunity to have more of his evil committed miss, as Judas did once too often even also his own family

as a traitor kiss.

He was, is and always will be the ultimate oppressor, greedy and seedy and violent confessor and unholy

wannabe Roman-Egypyian-Greek style emperor with a high priest ambition and black magic believer and

lies and spies' retriever and the most disgraceful terminator and not even an alligator wants see him anymore



In short: Go to your own mind's hell, Judas, your sins are retained as you have from repenting and saying 'Sorry'

to all your victims refrained, and purposefully desecrated many a church bell, and you have the longest time committed any filth and grime and immoral crime

through your secret Anti-Christ church army, and the holy truth from the book of books ommitted and instead replaced

by your spiritual crooks, who spread just any lies made up by your spies but now one after the other the association with you



Don't be surprised, if suddenly on you many a confidential door shuts on many high security floor,

as once too often did you even hook up and oversold on your account's favour even of the poorest of the poor

the huts as well as church treasures, as you took it all literally and helped yourself from the kingdom of God with worldly measures, and I trust that from now on you will accept humbly from Jesus Christ own hands, if offered to you,

a bag of peanuts.


It is funny, how suddenly turns the table and your heretical stories turn out like all your promises to all just to have been one big bullshit fable, and you will never ever be invited around our Holy Rose table, as you do not even hesitate to have poisoned our poisson to kill us off - and your bad and rude manners put not only our children anyway off as you never served by example but you did, wherever you went, on Jesus Christ's law trample and on God's feelings and emotions, as you rather rent out your buildings to witches covens and other Anti-Christ organisations, who also brew for you love and good luck potions - you are one big shmuck, and might be jewel encrusted from the treasures that were to you only entrusted - your world just into nothingness with all your sandcastles blasted...


I have to dash, Judas, as my time schedule is tight, and this message must not with another of Jesus Christ clash, as each statement is being brought to you in God's good time to prevent you from committing yet another nasty crime, and for you John Donne did posthumously the bell toll, denn das Mass ist voll, und Du bist nur gierig und schmierig und verrueckt und ueberhaupt nicht toll, und von Deiner Totengraeberseele

hatten schon lange alle treuen Diener Gottes die Nase voll, denn Du mochtest schon immer Inquisitionen und Gewalt und erheben zum Weg nachhause zu Gott jedweden Zoll. And we lived the holy truth to tell, as simply delusional abracadabra is your every babylonian and Eclonian secret society spell.


I rather learn to make now pastry for the ten thousand of choux from the best of kitchen masters, who says to you: 'never again a bientot!'

as we only eat and drink the best from God's garden and share it for free and God's Holy Rose See never needs a membership fee for its church to blossom

and not even a building nor a society as we simply live and lead by example a holy life in either voluntary blessed celibacy or in holy matrimony and that we hope by God's grace to do for eternity, and that is why He and we no longer with the likes of you cope, and clearing their names also demand the pikes, and you have the longest time let put into the incense or in the cup poison or dope. Your smoke was never holy, as even your ash on Ash Wednesday smelt already in 2007 of spiritual roly-poly.


Mother Sigrid (Ziggy) Agocsi



God bless you!


Mother Sigrid Agocsi, 
KATHOLIKOS - universal
KYRIAKE - belonging to God
ECCLESIA - the gathering of holy souls in the Name of Jesus Christ

Posted By Blogger to Order of the Holy Rose (OHR) on 12/14/2011 12:08:00 PM

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