Thursday, 23 October 2014

The fundamental errors of the Templar Knights leyline organised criminality terrors, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

The fundamental errors of the Templar Knights leyline organised criminality terrors,

 by Mother Sigrid Eliora

To make it short: it is so obvious that there have always been places that were strategically 

valuable for piratery of certain cretains, often with fake-piety and groomed faces, who 

then invented some more or less scarry lore 

to keep others out from their secret society's organised criminality's 

shore. And with superstition and heresy also becoming increasingly a lucrative income

source they gradually expanded their repertoire of false or half-true stories and gave 

to themselves or invented gods all glories. The more idolatry and secrecy and superstition they

 had on offer the richer became also later the Templar knights' and other such organisations' koffer.

And were the times against their crimes and destroyed the organisations partly, they simply reinvented 

themselves under new disguise and did simply terms and titles and formats devise.

But all this had nothing to do with God's creation and with His one holy nation nor with Adam and Eve's real manifestation and their souls' incarnations and their truth, as they were there from the beginning of time but simply through those betrayed, who abused their free choice and their gifts from God to stray, and to create black magic and rifts instead of making to evermore light on earth the right shifts.

And so the world became a vast silent majority that allowed the bribery and organised criminality and 

war- and whoremongery of a tiny elitist minority, that used secretly for evil incantantations their voice 

and in church with fake-piety and that as an ever-growing new Roman empire of evil increasingly also 

took over many another society, and simply used their rituals and places and abused more and more 

the true story of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene also and even replaced them with the personae of

a pimp called also Jesus, as it was a widespread name like Judas, and a whole mocking order of Maidlins, who were each a self-confessing whore, 

and they turned it via violently acquired property and jewellery and money into an ever growing worldwide mercenary shore via the papacy, and the popes tried to cling on even now to all that their predecessors even as professors lied, and on each other spied to the point that one did the other's cardinal to the devil anoint and their bishops strategically for evil appoint. The thing is with this kind of

secret hierarchy and building wing, that it echoes around the world, when one does a false tone in

St Paul's and the other in St Peter's sing, and both do not have the right key nor the right ring but

only evermore loose their every once golden goose and cannot even find back their hopes for their

stuffed livers in boose, and one  aryan heretic and Templar knight never well with the fight of hell of 

another brother in arms copes, especially not in the middle of the night, when they each try to solve 

yet another broken spell riddle and have to constantly hear the ring of their Templar's punishment bell.

Turns also out that some churchwardens and parish council board members did not read the smallprint and confused plea with a pea and a most unholy see of the Vatican with a sea in the Anglican and so forth and try to talk their way out of their responsibility and accountability but suddenly they are catching their own tail, when all lame excuses fail and the law enforcement finds stolen mail in their hand and poison in the cupboard, the same they used for the vicar's coffee and tea, and upon all the proof under their roofs being secured their mouth turns all foul and they boast, how they their victims into a secret society trap lured that is not even on the map and how they stabbed a holy soul in their nap, and stacked the assets in a templar knights' safe house, one of many, and to the next one clacked with their imaginary devil's hoof - like in the worst ill-conceived spoof having become a nightmare scenario financed even and directed by some Mike the Pike in Ontario or some cardinal from Mexico, who secretly wears the templar cross ring, with which he lets disappear holy souls via his secret criminal organisation and does truthspeakers with invented fouls smear. But eventually God lets them all Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdalene's cross from all their incarnations even before their souls manifested as Adam and Eve bear, as they have been here on earth always and again in holy monogamy and will be around for eternity, and when they for reasons of security are separated temporarily, they fondly live in voluntary celibacy and in some incarnations at the same time in heaven with each other in the unseen world in holy matrimony. But even that annoys every ol' bat with a secret society hat or fatcat with envy and they want the holy couple again dead - but now God lets the evildoers eat their own stale bread and gives them His dried out tears as salt to eat and drink, and leaves them in their stink behind, as He knows none of them to the other mercy shows and puts the other with their tit-for-tat through their own miller's hell's grind, and they won't for their weddings and funerals in sin no more vicar nor kin shedding a tear find, and must die alone in their stained bedding, as what goes around comes around, when Templar knights and their whores transform into corrupt and evil criminal shores their own neighbourhood and charge even to an old friend, whom they betrayed a levy and fare and so, they will be the walking dead eternally with all their sins retained, as they have from putting wrong right voluntarily refrained and waited too long to see, whether the evil would again grow strong and did thus unnecessary suffering for numerous lives prolong - but God set the holy souls from the slavery of such organised criminality simply through the truth free, and the facts of most unholy acts and fights revealed makes even nowadays a former high-court judge on his Drury lane chair unsealed and undone, and he has nowhere to go than to confess his mess of his cone and to receive back his every stone around every corner from now on, as that is what happens, when one con betrays another one and did with the consequences under diplomatic immunity not bother - but they all forgot that Jesus Christ does not grant impunity, nor did He ever ask for diplomatic immunity and neither did Mary Magdalene, and she won't on any legal procedures in favour of any priory or their secret society member for mercy intervene at court, as they wanted her dead and stole even her living bread and did purposefully her name not remember, not even in December, and came to her simply as a bribed neighbourhood mole for some Roman or Dover sole or some self-invented Satan from some pole and they also accepted from whoever offered them a dole, even from a North-corean Kim or Japanese Jim and they only faked any notion that they had love for God over the brim for as long as a coffee break or lunch lasts with an evil streak. And even in mild temperatures will be for such creatures with recognisable greedy and weedy features every midwinter now bleak.


Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena




Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena


Wednesday, 8 October 2014

And God says...

but mocked them and shocked them and purposefully in your 
death traps that you left out of the maps flocked!

By Mother Sigrid Eliora

And the One Good God says: 'I have come to you from the beginning of time, and you mocked me and committed blasphemy and broke all my simple laws and spread instead of the truth your stale bread of heresy and lies and created under abuse of your gifts black magic beasts in order to kill my holy souls across your every man-made border. And you broke your every vow and did towards my holy souls
and their pure hearts no mercy show but mocked them and shocked them and purposefully in your death traps that you left out of the maps flocked!

And on my every incarnation and manifestation's name you tried to put utmost false shame and blame
but I hand your guilt now back to your very own name, and won't you tell mine anymore to keep it
pure and unknown to every swine. My holy souls are free of your fouls and know, how to call upon me
in their despair and agony, and I knew before they were even conceived already their every hair
and they were to you always kind and loving and fair - but now they will cut you off, as once 
too often have you them cursed, maltreated, on them cheated and them death nursed and them 
tortured under your stinking breath, only because they defend the truth of the sinless eternal wedding wreath of Adam and Eve in all incarnations hidden amongst all nations again
and this time you will receive your eternal punishment and condemnation with your sins retained, if you have from putting wrong right refrained and them and me in word, thought and deed 
again slained and stained and have given them your poison as feed out of envy and greed.

You are herewith officially cut off from any covenant with me and especially from my family
and I might say this through poetry but you will feel in your bones your returning stones and my fiery wheel of truth and purification in your every nation and your own living hell will be your secret society cone as a reality, when my law enforcement arrests you for your brutality and crimes against 
humanity and for having accepted even against your neighbour bribery and have taken part in
organised criminality, and I will punish especially every single evil hierarchy accordingly to their 
responsibility and demand accountability for all abuse of authority and I revoke any kind of 
diplomatic immunity and impunity and demand from all hierachies surrender to my authority
but I will not show my face anymore to evildoers, unless it is necessary occasionally for their 
arrest and trial and punishment measures, and taken away from them are from now on also all 
privileges and pleasures, and I demand from them to return or replace to feed my holy souls all 
the from their care stolen treasures! 

I am, who I am, make no mistake, I am always in word, thought and/or deed to my holy souls near ,
ye evildoers, and I warn them of your fouls!!!

HolyRose Abbey

57 seconds agoPublic
And Sarah says from heaven and on earth:'had I known, how the evildoers of all tribes still want to kill us after such a long time, then I would have to these unholy entities never my heart shown - as they ripped it out over and again mercilessly with their every secret society and their heresy, and there is only so much that even the one good God wants and can take without letting the evildoers' own hidden beast in their own neighbourhood that we will leave finally for their punishment out of the cage. And then, it is too late for their every devil's den in any shore with the one good God in talks to engage. And the one good God has reached that stage, and leaves the walking dead to bury their dead, and they will starve at each other's stone cold hearts and they can only against each other evermore their war wage.

Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

And Abraham adds: 'Had I known, how much unrest and evil my buying a plot for my beloved Sarah would cause, I would not have done it and followed her ancestor's belief to celebrate the holy soul and to release one's grief to God's good counsel as the mourner's true food and nourishment, and I do ask from all in my name to God to repent that they ever hell to earth from the underworld sent under a secret society cone and God's every commandment bent and left on her grave a dead stone as bread instead of announcing the heavenly manna for all of the sinless Adam and Eve's happy return's advent!!! Mother Sigrid Eliora

And Abraham adds: 'Had I known, how much unrest and evil my buying a plot for my beloved Sarah would cause, I would not have done it and followed her ancestor's belief to celebrate the holy soul and to release one's grief to God's good counsel as the mourner's true food and nourishment, and I do ask from all in my name to God to repent that they ever hell to earth from the underworld sent under a secret society cone and God's every commandment bent and left on her grave a dead stone as bread  instead of announcing the heavenly manna for all of the sinless Adam and Eve's happy return's advent!!! 
Mother Sigrid Eliora

Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena


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Katholikos Kyriake Sancta Ecclesia de Iesous Christos et Maria Magdalena
