Saturday, 30 March 2013

Go out into the world and live the truth and nothing but the truth, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

..and all evildoers and purposeful heretics can have Mary Magdalene's and Jacob's and Zara-Zarai's tears for free on top of the cross from now on as well, as they look and listen the other way, when the church bells of the liars and unholy friars and every other spiritual crook and spook against them ring and each even more insulting heresy tells, and organised criminals and secret society grandmasters and hierarchies with a double-face tomorrow 'Alleluia' sing - we stay away from such an institution of twisted elocution with bat wing - but they must not think for a moment that God lets them get away that they the truth of Jesus Christ did again betray to the last minute and go from His living law astray, and He knows together with His holy family incarnate and in heaven, who in Holy Week quickly tried to climb the ladder in the pre-Easter and Chrism mass secret society draw - and that was even for some rat the last straw!!!

And in some evildoers, so I can see and feel in my  bones, is creeping in of God the first fears, as they no longer seem to enjoy raving in Mary Magdalene's tears, and are afraid that any moment now some shepherd their fur of a wolf shears and no longer their cross bears.

And every heretic will get the message delivered eventually through Jesus Christ's very own Holy Rose See, where all share their  His living truth for free and dwell in heaven on earth free of hell, and once again we have survived the latest attacks and were able even in person to deliver the message of Daniel and the truth to tell. And there won't be another Skyfall necessary to expose also an archbishopry, that is full of oil but not even for one day of prayer and of truth empty like a shell, as every secret society from Rome to Dover has in its own boasting and toasting overdosed, and all criminal matters are far from being conveniently closed.

And in Westminster also the water of a secret garden was investigated and found were traces of poison in the pipes, with which the water was hosed. And whatever happened to the prophecies and lovely things that were entrusted to only very few outside the pew, and were sold and defiled and changed beyond recognition and to a bishop with the wrong motivation - time is up and the bomb of truth had already long its ignition, and make that also about the whereabouts of Jesus Christ's and Mary Magdalene's and their babies' bones in a certain tomb - courtesy to a secret society with cones, who threw at them also their stones in every incarnation and tried with heretical decoys from France to Libya and in Asia and Europa and America and Africa to justify their twisted heresy enforced with bribery and threats and slavery, and who does even former military as mercenaries for Anti-Christ big empire obsessed legions in any given regions, who even clergy employ, who want to replace Jesus Christ with his mother, who did never with His vision of a poor church bother, and who thought she was by having the children of her son and daughter-in-law killed ever so clever. And how convenient, if all are under the cover of their grandmaster's lodge or their witches' coven or priestesses' institute with the law lenient from Rome to Dover - time for high society and grandmasters and servants and slaves that each their sins confesses, as the lame game is over, when the true flock of Jesus Christ no longer allows and holds their mouth shut, when a whole neighbourhood or company or guild with their lives messes through ritual knives or curses, as lately even sacked on the spot
or even killed and made look like a suicide were once death doctors and nurses, and no longer is freemasonry or any other secret society unchallengedly financed by public purses.
So, you might forgive me, if I do not exactly join in and say: Happy Easter, as to me the costume charade that I saw yesterday already on Good Friday from St Paul's to Westminster Cathedral to make some more bucks and increase numbers has kept not only me too many times with the crimes attached to them with tears and an almost broken heart from peaceful slumbers.

I honour and live the truth, as God presents it to me, and I  know He has done so also to all of His family.
So, go out into the world and live it.  And challenge every wolf in sheep or shepherd clothes on the golden calf's and cow's heretical bullshit, and report to God and to Jesus Christ, if you were subjected to an attempted or a friend or relative of yours to a hit, or if you were framed or wrongly shamed or blamed - as it is time that every beast is named and thus through the truth alone also for their secret society cone tamed.

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

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