Friday, 7 June 2013

Please, pray for Prince Philip

Please, pray for Prince Philip

Please, pray for Prince Philip.



Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Endstation fuer einen ollen Zug von Lug und Betrug: Watford, and from Slough suddenly stops the poison for the incense cough, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

'Die Salzstrasse des Bittersalzes des Gestaendnisses ist der Weg in die neue Welt befreit von der Sklaverei der Haeresie und Luegnerei - und die Geheimgesellschaften koennen sich gegenseitig vorwerfen ihrem verdorbenen Frasse', sagen wie aus einem Munde Clemens August von Galen
und Irmgard Koesters. Die hatten ja auch eine besondere Perspektive auf die alte Lokomotive.

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sigrid Eliora Kuck <mothersuperiorohr@googlemail.com>
Date: 7 June 2013 14:01
Subject: {Tenta o Develesko Rom t'a Romni Jesus Christ t'a Mary Magdalene} Elisabeth of Thuringia says: 'Endstation: Watford! I do not need gems and crowns every year from my husband, as long as there is a holy soul shedding over heresy a tear', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Elisabeth of Hungary-Thuringia says:

 'I do not need gems and crowns and gowns
every year from my husband, as only the peace of the truth
does free from the slavery of every most unholy and heretical see
and Jesus Christ's law from  justice and true love from God
as His most valuable heavenly treasure stems'

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Elisabeth of Hungary-Thuringia says:

 'I do not need gems and crowns and gowns
every year from my husband, as only the peace of the truth
does free from the slavery of every most unholy and heretical see
and Jesus Christ's law from  justice and true love from God
as His most valuable heavenly treasure stems',

and Eliora adds: 'And as the one and only true creed is
indeed alive and well in the flesh, we can finally overcome
every secret society's cone and return to the senders their stone,
as Jesus Christ will force the evildoers eventually and
suddenly the faithful with the truth to feed;

and He simply lets dwell the liars and heretics and spies and unholy
sisters, big and small, and friars, with their lies, short and tall,
who never answered
God's call, in their own mind's hell, including the hierarchy top hats,
who drank at the altar after midnight and even
at the height of their unholy fight in broad City ice rink daylight
the blood of rats and played even under domes
bats and spat at the truth of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene
on entrance door mats.

And those, who caused Jesus Christ and His true family
repeatedly on their airbeds and bicycles purposefully flats,
might as well now start their version of the golden ox, calf and cow
and swine's perversion also in a courtroom tell, even in Den Hague,
and they better are not vague, as the evidence has been received
about the truth in many a letter, and by the day even the non-verbal
communication goes better and better between every nation, that
truly wants to feed the truthseekers with their fair ration.

And when you draw a line between Watford and Walsingham
suddenly turn up three hidden villages not known to any maps
but if you put them on it with the familiar faces, who built there
property from blackhole or even taxpayers money, you have
some very elitist spaces filled with people, who even have
indulged in organised criminality under the disguise of heresy
and who simply are bored and can afford with stolen piratery
treasures to indulge deadly and disgusting phantasy with
their murderous and incestuous lusting and purposeful
memory crusting under the roof and umbrella of diplomatic

Interesting, that Walsingham is not at all on many a map -
as for some poor souls it turned out to be a death trap,
and they ended as anonymous body parts sold on as
'anonymous saints' relic' in a frame that has been now finally
told by a beast most tame, and who puts on himself some
mighty shame and blame to his own name for his devil's hoof,
as sadly, many a holy life, has been taken by evil intented
creatures, who only ever have lying, spying, scrying
and greed as their main character features. They might
appear glamorous or have been put onto a level of authority
courtesy of their diplomatic immunity and have been
assured of impunity by their secret society or even
their self-annointed and man-appointed elitist chessboard mentality
in every country.

And then, when you make visible all evildoers' faces and their hidden
places, where there is their playground, and take away all privilege
and demand accountability and transparency also from representatives
of a monarchy or democracy alike, they no longer can send their secret
trains and flights in the nights from X to Y to Z, as God lets in their sleep
ever so deep His holy souls see even the most hidden
details of all fouls, and lets them walk through walls
and escape any plots even before they are carried
out by some piratery and Bilderberger malls.

And suddenly all oily turns every Michelin-star dish from
the rotten corexit oysters and shells, and the salads and eggs
from all the fraudulent hens and devil's dens toxic soily -
and the greed becomes so obvious also under every dome
that has as its station weed based heresy - and Jesus Christ
has His holy souls from this slavery finally freed, who are long
united in prayer and in their dreams and in their every day's actions
and they hear at the other end of the world, when another
for help screams and never fail to answer a call for help,
as they would be horrified to end as heretical see kelp.

Only the truth sets the soul free, and it is not to be found
in any other than Jesus Christ's Holy Rose See - but then,
that is a known fact even already in every devil's den,
as their networks now fail and their every doubting Thomas train
and tank engine does even before it has hardly left the station
into a curse coming back at the sender derail, as God punishes
on the spot every law-bender and unlawful big spender and
takes to task also every illegal and immoral money-lender
and empty shells slippery letter mender.

Watford: Final destination for every secret society's irritation -
and from Hamburg and Berlin and Washington and Cape Town
and wherever are now also sending in already voluntarily many
former members and now registered offenders in their
stolen piratery crowns to the one holy nation to contribute
to feed anonymously the poor and needy, as over not just from
Rome and Dover is the era of slavery and greedy and seedy master race
mentality -

and make some nice tents for the homeless from your expensive
gowns. And make sure that pure stay your villages and towns
from crime and your filth and grime and make them open
for all, especially the poor, and let all borders be open
for all, as the rich always got their way through any boundary
simply through stolen money and by accumulating illegally or
immorally property that does belong to God, and a crusade
is nothing but a forbidden war led by some even more
despiccable cod, who wears on his head a cone hat
and worships an Egyptian cat - and that is a commonly
known fact, as his secret society cocktail of an artificial
family is no longer not even in the Spiegelsaelen
intact, as too many victims have come forward to report
their oppressors' notoriety, and make that also students
of former professors.

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

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Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Hey, Ye Grand-Masters: All Honour and Glory to Jesus Christ, Our One Good and Living God, Our King of Kings, Our Master!!! by Mother Sigrid Eliora

When God asks to speak out and to stand up for the truth, then silence becomes an unforgivable crime and one's sins against Jesus Christ and His true kins are retained, when one has from condemning to wear a secret society cone and  masks publicly refrained. And even a once holy society becomes subject to an investigation for organised notoriety and suspect of organised criminality and heretical roly-poly and blasphemy against the Holy Spirit and the Holy Cross especially; and every violation of God's law and most unholy act might be in the light of the freedom of information also in a court that is seeing and no longer turning a blind eye to justice viewed as a fact subject to eternal condemnation, when the victims of the most unspeakable crimes committed by an entity that has for the 'sake' of greed, heresy and blasphemy of the highest the truth from its church law and statutes ommitted, speak out their suffering aloud; and make that from the time of John Donne's shroud even posthumously with exclamation marks and no longer just silent and humble dots, as too many times have been broken promises and into practise brought the most murderous atrocious plots. But there are always those, who in their own arrogance and decadence and pestilence overdose and under their diplomatic immunity with their impunity via their secret society boast and for their next climb of the secret society career ladder their former brothers toast. What is it going to be, Ye every 'Grand Master?' The Truth, and nothing but the truth, or your lies by your spies - if you subscribe to the latter, you will find that God will find you evermore faster out in your every rotten corrupt and most bloodstained shore that is worshipping mammon and the babylonian whore. No more da capo and encore!!! Come and show to the public your honest face, if you have the guts, or are you in the end, simply a waste of space, and afraid one could declare you nuts? Or have you signed a bribery deal, in which God will put you on an eternal diet of peanuts. Tell me, as I am about to get against you and your lot a court injunction, as I have had enough of being treated by you rough and your heretical unction. Mother Superior Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Blogger <no-reply@blogger.com>
Date: 4 June 2013 19:31
Subject: [Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis/Abbey of the Holy Rose] All Honour and Glory to Jesus Christ, Our One Good and Living God, Our King of Kings, Our Master!!! by Mother Sigrid Eliora
To: mothersuperiorohr@googlemail.com

All Honour and Glory to Jesus Christ, Our One Good and Living God,

Our King of Kings, Our Master!!! 

...And all self-appointed and man-anointed secret society kings and queens will emerge as they are finally with a face to their masks: godless creatures, ever faster, when
their betrayed subjects find out that they have been lied to and spied upon to prevent the truth in all things
and that their rulers conspired to kill off Jesus Christ and His wife and family and all holy souls
purposefully and strategically in many a mass-atrocity and to take away even their angels' wings by
replacing them with heretical hornets' stings that want to spread in their latest new world order
a la old neo-fascist mode their heretical bread to feed the truthseekers with weed instead of the truth's
mustard seed of Jesus Christ's living creed - simply send in the truth water tanks into most governments and
palaces and churches and domes, then finally justice and peace moves into all holy peace loving homes - as Jesus Christ
has freed His holy souls of His one holy nation and given them their daily fair ration courtesy of His living New King's Cross
Station and He keeps at bay all those , who play against the Holy Rose their greedy and heretical roly-poly courtesy of their united nations' secret societies' organised criminality
from Rome to Dover and over the world by - no more, as their lame game will suddenly come to an end even in the most
corrupt shore, when to admit has even the babylonian whore that she has been once too often untruthful and defiant towards
God and too much on her bribery system and monetary and property and gambling monetary funds internationally reliant -
so much so, that even archbishops use inside knowledge for dealing and join all sorts of secret thinktanks that are really
one hell of a decadent secret society of all kinds of notoriety consisting of anonymous code name pranks and their
whores, who do not even hesitate to use the names of their  neighbours and suggest their latest recruits or victims
to their secret networks for slave labours - all under the disguise of some desecrated and heretical flower, with which one
wants under a secret society cone replace the real living saints, or posthumously, with the latest technology Japanese skin
material mask clone - oh, yes, even whole bands are being exchanged and masked and abducted and replaced and with a new
'image' faced without their fans even noticing the difference in their  manner or tans - such is the progress that whole institutions
agree to all kinds of dodgy deals, so that they do not have their sins to confess - but eventually, as the secret world order never
anybody from their scars heals and nicely behaves, all sceletons suddenly turn up even at a mass from their graves and
bring their own bones from under the naves and return to each sender all their stones.

And all the posts and mails the secret societies have hacked in and stolen suddenly turn up in a court and are
being used as evidence of utmost decadence, and read out aloud upon the evildoers' arrest - just when they had their
suitcases to blackhole virgin island packed or were boarding the exclusive private jet to a secret village or community
off any map, where they are even church and museum treasures hoarding - and ring even a Daniilov bell - well, some victims lived and the other do from heaven or purgatory at the right time to the right souls, who have guts enough the truth to tell and who
have Jesus Christ's authority and enough holy integrity to break any witches' or druids' coven's spell. And by then, every devil's den is ever so visible, as their members all have through the banks and rows an evil streak, as that simply always eventually shows.
And they love to play bullies and scarecrows and always deal to others even in their dreams fatal blows, or try to kill them with their bare hands or by mocking a wedding with fake marital bands.

And all that, because an over-privileged few just don't want to pay taxes, and invade other countries and holy souls' minds by
sending black magic in faxes or by abusing even whole legal entities and law societies to cover up internationally their crimes and grimes and expect that for them the bell chimes in the pew and to be served their cocktails without fails by the private jet's human trafficked and enslaved crew. Not the kind of nice brew and rather a barbaric slaughterhouse and and in some cases even human flesh eater bunch, who gamble over lives because they speculated with the wrong hand to make up for their false investments in the credit crunch, and who are not very good in taking themselves a punch, when they are being removed from their own heretical bookshelves. That is the problem with godless heretics, who fooled themselves into thinking, if they were only rat blood drinking they would get away with their smell of bat stinking and could fill the bookshelves with their apocalyptic and encryptic blackhole  philosophy and teach even the lama about his panorama in a Zwangsjackenpyjama on the mountain top - had they humbly footstooled at God's feet, they would have been able to walk with their heads high now in the street, even in the one of Fleet,
but whosoever only ever with a cone under a mask and without his real name does tacheles talk, is not of Jesus Christ
and hates God, and debates all sorts of sins against even his own kins, and has even as one of his code names 'the fish with fins',
and his old boy friends let him now bounce into his own hell's mind, when they put all over-due shames and blames to all his various secret societies' top four names and reveal his identity - boy, ol' boy, that will be an endless list and I would not want to be in your shoe, if you have caused to mankind that kind of woe, you foe!

by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Mother Sigrid Eliora

Shared publicly  -  09:51
And whosoever poisons the sees with corexit and bribery must not be surprised, if true fish is finally even from the three star Michelin menu is demised. Somebody here the archbishop once really badly advised.
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And whosoever poisons the sees with corexit and bribery must not be surprised, if true fish is finally even from the three star Michelin menu is demised. Somebody here the archbishop once really badly advised.

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Shared publicly  -  09:49
The truth knows no middle way nor does God's justice want to know middleground. Maybe the justice of man is purposefully blind at times, but God knows, by whom, when and where and how were committed crimes and who the truth from his heresy ommitted, and so all holy souls, whose faith is indeed sound and who live already the living true and holy creed, and spread despite your heretical and poisonous bread Jesus Christ's mustard seed, and help also the authorities gladly to shine their light on all legal matters, so that finally the obsessions and delusions of every secret society with all their notoriety, heresy and organised criminality shatters, as Jesus Christ's Holy Rose See is free of corrupt fish and does not need artificial batters, no does it subscribe to saints with delusional days and made-up days of latters, as secretly the most unholy sees seem to be united in their membership fees nations, who still want to kill holy souls or treat them as slaves and establish the long lost Roman empire under all sorts of Fascist attire - not in my name, Herr Ratzinger and Co, and that also applies to the spies, who still spread lies on all, who try to establish peace and justice through the truth already from the beginning of time, and if the latest addition of the top pyramid cat with the conical hat not knows - Boaz dictated it all to Ruth. God bless - I suggest you clear up your one big mess that is so without love, and never knew the real garden in heaven above. Only the one and only YAHWE Jesus CHRIST is the one good and living God, and He is a true peace dove and the original one - you are the one, who was deluded and obsessed with a man-made secret society cone and a man-appointed throne. And God knows, whom you wanted to replace with a mask face as his own clone, as back at the sender came also that stone. Mother Sigrid Eliora
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The truth knows no middle way nor does God's justice want to know middleground. Maybe the justice of man is purposefully blind at times, but God knows, by whom, when and where and how were committed crimes and who the truth from his heresy ommitted, and so all holy souls, whose faith is indeed sound and who live already the living true and holy creed, and spread despite your heretical and poisonous bread Jesus Christ's mustard seed, and help also the authorities gladly to shine their light on all legal matters, so that finally the obsessions and delusions of every secret society with all their notoriety, heresy and organised criminality shatters, as Jesus Christ's Holy Rose See is free of corrupt fish and does not need artificial batters, no does it subscribe to saints with delusional days and made-up days of latters, as secretly the most unholy sees seem to be united in their membership fees nations, who still want to kill holy souls or treat them as slaves and establish the long lost Roman empire under all sorts of Fascist attire - not in my name, Herr Ratzinger and Co, and that also applies to the spies, who still spread lies on all, who try to establish peace and justice through the truth already from the beginning of time, and if the latest addition of the top pyramid cat with the conical hat not knows - Boaz dictated it all to Ruth. God bless - I suggest you clear up your one big mess that is so without love, and never knew the real garden in heaven above. Only the one and only YAHWE Jesus CHRIST is the one good and living God, and He is a true peace dove and the original one - you are the one, who was deluded and obsessed with a man-made secret society cone and a man-appointed throne. And God knows, whom you wanted to replace with a mask face as his own clone, as back at the sender came also that stone. Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Shared publicly  -  09:50
Bita Tem o Yahwe, opre, gelem!
All honour and glory to Jesus Christ, Our One Good and Living God, Lord, Our King of Kings, Our Master!!!
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Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Posted By Blogger to Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis/Abbey of the Holy Rose on 6/04/2013 07:30:00 pm

Posted By Blogger to Societas Sanctae Rosae Crucis/Abbey of the Holy Rose on 6/05/2013 07:25:00 am

Thursday, 23 May 2013

Bell Yard, Scotland Yard, are good places from face to faces finally the truth to tell, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Bell Yard, Scotland Yard, are good places from face to faces finally the truth to tell, to put wrong right for the one holy nation and to end a most unholy heretical and criminal fight, as God will anyway for His holy souls demands justice and for Jesus Christ His firstborn right, and so, to confess a secret society's mess and one's notoriety is not just a suggestion but the only way to get out of a smokescreen that has for far too long concealed of the truth God's light. by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Shared publicly  -  2013-05-23
And the living justice in the flesh, cleaning his feet with pumice stone, whilst passing judgement and reevaluating sentencing upon all, who still want to kill his holy souls and play against them fouls under their secret society cone.
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Lex Domine Iesu Christi - Jesus Christ is the living Law, not to be treated as the last straw in a secret society draw, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Shared publicly  -  18:05
And even the subscribers of shares of oysters and shells, worldly riches attained by most evil tactics will eventually find themselves in the focus of God's Judgement court and will have to explain, why they did from taking up their responsibility refrain and jump on an archbishop's train with blood of their secret society and seven sisters lore on their hands through a whole wipe-out of God's creation in many a region and nation not only with their corexit stain that has a whole population of not just one corrupted see slain. Mother Sigrid Eliora
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And even the subscribers of shares of oysters and shells, worldly riches attained by most evil tactics will eventually find themselves in the focus of God's Judgement court and will have to explain, why they did from taking up their responsibility refrain and jump on an archbishop's train with blood of their secret society and seven sisters lore on their hands through a whole wipe-out of God's creation in many a region and nation not only with their corexit stain that has a whole population of not just one corrupted see slain. Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Shared publicly  -  2013-05-23
Drummers Lee Rigby and Savash Saka, R.I.P. You will march on as saints from heaven and drum the beat of God's justice on earth to be felt in every holy kitchen hearth.
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R.I.P. Savash kutsal (blessed) Tessekuer ederim! God bless you! You proclaimed as the first with your dying breath: Iesous Christos Akbar! And you laid down your life for Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene's eternal wedding wreath, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

And gamblers with lives they are, who like to evade taxes and try now to hide their incriminating bribery faxes and start with governments on their commitments an unholy row, whilst they bring to the virgin and oak and other private islands their blackhole cashflow and do purposefully heretical weed even in cathedrals sow. Mother Sigrid Eliora
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And gamblers with lives they are, who like to evade taxes and try now to hide their incriminating bribery faxes and start with governments on their commitments an unholy row, whilst they bring to the virgin and oak and other private islands their blackhole cashflow and do purposefully heretical weed even in cathedrals sow. Mother Sigrid Eliora

Time for the Gamblers to pay their dues, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Shared publicly  -  15:49
Simply let the pirates pay their taxes and use as proof their bribery faxes with which they corrupt many a once truthful roof and by wearing symbolically a devil's hoof with their stick and heretical limp - and let the big small and big businesses that pose as charities also pay their dues, and suddenly the Inland Revenue has enough clues and evidence for utmost decadence, with which even not just many a fake priory but also pseudo-religious society under the disguise of church matter spreads notoriety and spiritual and criminal pestilence to the latter. Mother Sigrid Eliora
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Simply let the pirates pay their taxes and use as proof their bribery faxes with which they corrupt many a once truthful roof and by wearing symbolically a devil's hoof with their stick and heretical limp - and let the big small and big businesses that pose as charities also pay their dues, and suddenly the Inland Revenue has enough clues and evidence for utmost decadence, with which even not just many a fake priory but also pseudo-religious society under the disguise of church matter spreads notoriety and spiritual and criminal pestilence to the latter. And the public does not 'deal a hand' to a politician - it is only secret societies, who finance their notorieties with the consent of corrupt minds, who bring the public behind closed doors on gambling floors to their hell's grinds. Time to put an end to the most lame game of all times, and to abandon the thought of some extremely sad fame, as when God and Jesus Christ spill the beans with lawful means through the law society's statutes and definitions of criminal activity then suddenly many  organisations emerge as a devil's den and their organised criminality under the disguise even of charity will be exposed in the courts also of the world not just at the heavenly throne with the long overdue shame and blame to the correct name - you only have to remove the masks fromthe secret society members, and then also their latest recruit some weird tasks remembers on the rock bottom level, and puts two and two together, as his wife and neighbours suddenly seemed to behave differently and change even their identity, when they were going places and similar to another person looked their specialist made up hair-styles and faces, and sometimes not even tied in the taxi, when he picked them up after their 'engagements' were their shoe laces. And he was wondering, why actually even a former friend suddenly no longer witchcraft suddenly embraces but pretends to go to the same church suddenly on a Sunday for Corpus Christi, that they had secretly abused before at half and full moon in the nights with a secret key for their slaughter ceremony, and even their children he saw more than once late at night in the crypt, when he thought there might be even at the high altar light - but who would scare their own children with a devil's ceremony and cause even a grown man in  a car already a fright just by their vampire faces sight. Oh, there is a lot of wrong to be put right in society - but all evil will stop, when no longer can from evil event to event  hop with bribery money the devil and his brides, as they have already started also the pennies to drop just in case for sentencing deals and free meals and privileges in secure houses, when their own secret society top four beasts their confessions farted, as God did on the truth no longer accept concessions. Mother Sigrid Eliora

Sigrid Eliora Kuck

Shared publicly  -  15:45
For far too long have a few multi-nationals on their hidden agenda top pyramid levels run internationally and locally their secret society networks alongside organised criminality funded by piratery and tax-evasion - by abusing heresy and attacking true faith that is only ever living peace and human dignity and justice for the most vulnerable in society on the way of Jesus Christ as extremist persuasion. The true followers of Jesus Christ do not shoot, stab nor steal nor slander nor do they abuse holy places as places for their marketender and they certainly are not of God's commandments a bender. And they know and speak and breathe and live the truth, and are united in their love for God and His miracles are their igniting lightning rod, not some smoke-screen charcoal burning and evil minded female or male sod. Mother Sigrid Eliora
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For far too long have a few multi-nationals on their hidden agenda top pyramid levels run internationally and locally their secret society networks alongside organised criminality funded by piratery and tax-evasion - by abusing heresy and attacking true faith that is only ever living peace and human dignity and justice for the most vulnerable in society on the way of Jesus Christ as extremist persuasion. The true followers of Jesus Christ do not shoot, stab nor steal nor slander nor do they abuse holy places as places for their marketender and they certainly are not of God's commandments a bender. And they know and speak and breathe and live the truth, and are united in their love for God and His miracles are their igniting lightning rod, not some smoke-screen charcoal burning and evil minded female or male sod. And don't just for a moment think that God will that low sink that He does from the cocoa, through one drags Him also drink! As too many cups of kindness suddenly from all over the world of yet another compromise in the truth and justice for all holy souls of all faiths stink. Only the truth will set the world free and the justice especially for the most vulnerable holy souls, who are deemed 'inferior' by  those, who think themselves superior in the bookshelves, as peace comes through justice and law and order across every border - but on God's terms, and not by twisted sinful and selfish  amendments to His original commandments. Mother Sigrid Eliora
Robot war or spiritual warfare or simply an exploded corexit shell oyster share - as now many a mitra does into an empty glass stare, by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Abba, die wussten ganz genau, was die taten - by Mathair Sigrid Eliora

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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

09:20  -  Public
Und die wissen ganz genau, wer, wann, wo gerissen hat oder wollte reissen ein Schaf, denn derjenige auch den Weg zum Landesteg zu Maria Magdalena, Jesus Christus Frau, verzollte und ihm wegen ihrer gluecklichen Ehe grollte, waehrend er selber mit Hagars  kaeuflichen Hexen sogar in Abraham und Sarahs Zelt, wenn sie bei ihren Schafen waren, in Suende herumtollte. Und deren Haeresie ich bestimmt nicht fuer heilige Seelen verkuende, und ich mich nur mit Gott und Jesus Christus und der Wahrheit verbuende.
'Den Seinen gibt's der Herr im Schlaf', by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Share what's new...Opening... 'Den Seinen gibt's der Herr im Schlaf', sagt man, aber wer zu beschaeftigt ist als Anti-Christ zu reissen Jesus Christus jedes unschuldige Schaf, der kriegt natuerlich nichts von irgendetwas mit,...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

09:17  -  Public
Wer Adam und Evas Paradies beschmutzt, der ist einfach fies und sich auch heute noch nicht in der Hoelle die Zaehne nach seinem Sulphurraeuchern putzt.
Isn't that the house of this criminal, who abused religion to organise criminality under the disguise of heresy?! by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Isn't that the house of this criminal, who abused religion to organise criminality under the disguise of heresy?! by Mother Sigrid Elioracheater, Isn't that the house of this criminal, who abused religion to organise criminal...

Liest ja sowieso wieder kein Marzipanschwein,
aber immer mehr scheinen zu warten in der Nacht
auf ihrer Spionagewacht nervoes auf ihren
Extraeinkommen-Geldschein, und solange sie
den nicht kriegen, werfen sie auch nicht mehr
gegen ihre eigentlich guten Nachbarn
einen Stein und finden eigentlich,
dass in deren Haus mehr Wahrheit
wohnt und Liebe als in irgendeinem
heuchlerischen und meuchlerischen Schrein,
wo fast alle nur so tun mit gespielter Pietaet,
als beteten sie an Gott und Seine Macht der Liebe,

aber deren Clownerie ist ja ihre Spezialitaet
und so sind die heilig nur zum Schein,
und werfen gegen jeden und alles hinter
ihrem Ruecken ihre Stein, selbst, wenn sich
heilige Seelen noch fuer sie nach dem
heruntergefallenen Taschentuch buecken.

'Denn, wenn ich genau hinschau,
dann ist ploetzlich eine alte Frau gar nicht grau
oder eine junge ploetzlich alt und ich hier nicht
mehr laenger immer baenger Paranoia entfalt,
sondern einfach mal den MI5 zur Sicherheit
einschalt, und lasse walten die Staatsgewalt.'
sagten sich nicht nur auch ein Priester und eine Mutter
Oberin, et voila - over from Rome to Dover
and around the world is the evildoers'
vicious grin, as suddenly common knowledge
is their every sin against the priest  and the
mother superior and their kin.

Mother Superior Sigrid Eliora

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Isn't that the house of this criminal, who abused religion to organise criminality under the disguise of heresy?! by Mother Sigrid Eliora

Isn't that the house of this criminal, who abused religion to organise criminality under the disguise of heresy?!

by Mother Sigrid Elioracheater,

Isn't that the house of this criminal,
who abused religion to organise criminality
under the disguise of heresy?!
That wife beater and thief and black wizard, who even
keeps snakes and takes as pets lizards?

And this one is of the one, who posed
as clergy, or was it a rabbi or imam,
who did wear a secret society cone,
all of them anyway in the same one
around that house of the old Drury lane,
it is difficult to tell in the night,
when they come with a hat
and leave with a wild or curly mane.

One thing is for sure - they all in their greed
and heresy overdosed and even went as far
as having water poisoned, when it was hosed.
And they also threatened a holy soul that
speaks the truth as Zane with his life,
that evil breed of slavery masters,
who want their caster sugar ever faster
at the expense of holy lives lost and of the truth
being covered up and buried in an underground
labyrinth underneath the city of London at all cost.

But as all holy souls' faith is sound, they brought
the truth concertedly, quietly and most beautifully
but also firmly onto the ground, and some of it
can be found even in the post.

And whilst in the world the poor are starving,
the organised evildoers are their idols
of mammon from charity money in
luxurious and spacious charity property
carving in a uniform fox tone, and with an international
communication systems and prime location housing
with organised criminalisation in-built by a cushy awakening
field ivory bush drum network of a telephone.

Take on top of that the PR and marketing system
combined with the hacked government agencies',
who would have never such grand scale operation
voluntarily backed, then suddenly it makes sense
and gives a round picture, why strategically pops
up even in a hurry a chief executive of a corporation
in disguise as an engineer on an estate after
a strategic power cut, and at other times
he chimes with an envelope in his hand
the bell for yet another crime at the bus stop
with a moustache like some old
fascist fuzzi, of whom he carries in his body
the genetical code abode.

And speaking of genetically modified - there are
also those, in yet another bribery sponsored house,
in which they can afford to eat from Meissen,
Wedgwood and only in the week from Spode
- as observed by a church mouse - and who are
selling porky-pies to kosher and halal butchers
that are also heretical swines and make yet
again their own version of perversion of
genetically modified porcupine after a recipe
of an old holy Roma grandmother,

and for that they slander her and say that she
did at their meeting smother and curse, and that money
was missing from their purse - and when she dared
to go to the police, the evildoers had her attacked
and she died suddenly an unexplained death, although
healthy and holy had been her breath, but, you see,
she was of heresy free and knew that the eternal
wedding wreath of Adam and Eve was also safe
with Abraham and Sarah and Amram and Yocheved,
Boaz and Ruth and Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene
to name but just a few of their major incarnations,
and they have never used against anybody,
especially not against their every enemy
any evil incantation in any nation.

So, which house was it again, where the truth
lives? I heard though that God from now on
no longer certain sins against her kins
forgives, and we better check our own
record with God and Jesus Christ, whether
we have any outstanding dues of sins,
and then, they will enable us to get in
the right time in the right place the right clue
and can avoid an evildoer or make him stand up
to the truth, as it is written also all over his or her  face,
and it is either free of sin or it is inscribed with
every single crime and one can tell, when
somebody from God's grace fell.
And suddenly even a once dyslexic student
can as a judge all names correctly spell
and even a former judge no longer does
his or her neighbours begrudge, as everybody
knows, that they poisoned even a holy soul's
fudge and faith in their house.

God's house is in our hearts and lives
on free of every spiritual con, with the power
and authority and love for His holy souls
of Jesus Christ, Yahwe, El Shaddai, El Eljon,
to name but a few of His holy names
for the former members of a most
unholy pew, who no longer seem to be
wanting to be the devil's air crew.

Mother Sigrid Eliora

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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

08:40 (edited)  -  Public
There is no better to confess and to clear up all unspeakable mess than when all are gathered in solemn dress, as some have already other plans afterwards and are busy to change their address.
'Den Seinen gibt's der Herr im Schlaf', by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Share what's new...Opening... 'Den Seinen gibt's der Herr im Schlaf', sagt man, aber wer zu beschaeftigt ist als Anti-Christ zu reissen Jesus Christus jedes unschuldige Schaf, der kriegt natuerlich nichts von irgendetwas mit,...

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

'Den Seinen gibt's der Herr im Schlaf', by Mother Sigrid Eliora

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'Den Seinen gibt's der Herr im Schlaf', sagt man, aber wer zu beschaeftigt ist als Anti-Christ zu reissen Jesus Christus jedes unschuldige Schaf, der kriegt natuerlich nichts von irgendetwas mit, und findet sich dann ploetzlich mitten in seinen unheiligen Akten unterbrochen von einem Klopfen von einem Fremden, der unterm Arm traegt knallharte prallgefuellte Gerichtsakten, in denen sein jedes Opfer seine Schandtaten enthuellte und seine Buergerpflicht erfuellte, und den Mut fand, und gestand, dass auch er zum Schein trug ein Geheimgesellschaftsgesicht, um bezeugen zu koennen, wer, wann, was hat gefaelscht oder aus- oder hereingelassen in einen Geschaeftsbericht, denn irgendwann hat dann doch mal ein Muehlsteingewicht selbst ein endlos und wiederholt gelesenes Gedicht, das einem das Gewissen nimmt in die Pflicht, und man geht dann sogar besser gleich zur naechsten Polizeistelle, und wartet gar nicht erst bis nach der Schicht, um zu verhindern die naechste ueble Geheimgesellschaftsgeschicht, die dann auch ihn nicht mehr gut aussehen laesst im kalten Gerichtssaal- und Forensischem Laborlicht.

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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

22:47  -  Public
Die Geschichte ist schon in der dritten Generation und stinkt immer noch nach Kaese, und da gibt es auch noch mehr Leute, die aus waren auf Piratenbeute und gehoeren zu einer ganz elenden Piratenmeute, und es wird Zeit, dass die sich freiwillig dem Gesetz uebergeben, denn deren Familien und Freunde haben auch genug von deren Lug und Betrug und Mordkomplotten und wollen endlich zurueckhaben ihr heiliges Leben.
Erinnerst Du Dich noch an den Kaese in der Lampe, Du da, mit der uebervollen Wampe, der schon wieder bauen will mit Faschistenliedern eine neo-nazi KZ-Laderampe, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Edit photos - Tag people - Add text - Add more - Remove All Remove 'Erinnerst Du Dich noch an den Kaese in der Lampe, ja, Du da, in schwarzer Faschisten-Uniform mit der uebervollen Wampe, der schon wi...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

22:41  -  Public
'Stille Post, stiller Tag, stille Nacht - hat es etwa, die Wahrheit auszusprechen, endlich in der Aufloesung von Verbrechen und Einloesung von verzoegerten oder gar versprochenen Versprechen Fortschritte gegeben und weitere Hinweise ganz leise an die richtigen Stellen gebracht? Na, das waere doch mal was zum Feiern am Ende der Wacht.' sagt die Polizei von Jesus Christus, 'vor allem, wo wir endlich gefunden haben diesen elenden Geheimschacht, der schon zu John Donne's Zeiten von Drury lane wurde ueberdacht.'
Stille Post, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Edit photos - Tag people - Add text - Add more - Remove All Remove18:04 - Public Ist das so ein bunter Vogel mit Gefieder, der nur hat heillose und aus dem Leben geschiedene Lieder?! Nee, ein wahrer...
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Sigrid Eliora Kuck

22:22 (edited)  -  Public
 'St Nikolaus Church in Bad Reichenhall, from where the Mother of God is watching over the world', wrote an old knight to end the world's most unholy fight. And he spent also in Venice at a palace many a long night to get the truth in perspective and to get it in this incarnation at last right without any stage fright. And he had the red fox tail from a Munich opera production personally delivered,...Expand this post »
 'St Nikolaus Church in Bad Reichenhall, from where the Mother of God is watching over the world', wrote an old knight to end the world's most unholy fight. And he spent also in Venice at a palace many a long night to get the truth in perspective and to get it in this incarnation at last right without any stage fright. And he had the red fox tail from a Munich opera production personally delivered,which almost killed the wearer but then, suddenly  a whole  devil's den of Wren at the survival inexplicably from God's fear shivered. Even after x-years a big brother of old can say he did not fail - arrived it had long, his  message, but the penny only dropped today, when browsing through old mail. Death is but an illusion and even in death we can beat any evil mind's intrusion, and deliver from heaven the right conclusion. Wherever you are, my dear neighbour and true friend: 'Tell God, Deo Gratias!'
'You've got mail', and Jesus Christ knocks on the door with his law-enforcement flocks, by Mother Sigrid Eliora »
Sigrid Eliora Kuck11:50 - Public You've got mail. FREDERIC BARBAROSSA SENDS THE FOLLOWING LETTER » Barbarossa sends the following letter regarding a papal matter: There is an urgent need for Jes...

Tenta o Develesko Famalia
Kangeri o Develeskero Ceadda/Cill Naomh Ceadda/ Roma Abbey of St Chad/
The key to God's eternal home is through Jesus Christ as the eternal cornerstone of QUSHTA, the truth alone, under God's blue dome.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and of the Holy Spirit, in the Name of the Holy Trinity may you live and speak the truth and dwell in its heavenly peace also on earth, wherever you are, at your kitchen hearth. AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, AKATHISTOS, for IESOUS CHRISTOS! OPRE! GELEM! GELEM!
Cill Naofa Ros/Roma Abbey of the Holy Rose/Kangeri Develesko Roazius